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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Australian Shepherd Aggression With New People

by Annie
(Cabot Vt)

Hi I have an 8 month Aussie. His name is Jasper. For the most part I’d say he is very well trained for his age. We are getting ready to enter agility classes, and he already gets lots of play and exercise. Jasper is a very loyal, loving, active dog.

At home alone with the family he is very well mannered. However when people he doesn’t know show up he is overly portative, he needs to be kenneled and see that the new person in the house is not an ex murder before I can let him out and he settles down.

To help socialize him right from puppyhood we have been bring him for walks in well populated places and stores that allow it. At these times he is a perfect gentlemen, who meets new people and pets very well. He often goes with us to friend’s house, who have other children and dogs. He is always great at these times.

It is only when new people come to our home that he is aggressive. How should I handle this aggression? At any other time he is a great dog, but at these times he doesn’t listen me at all.

Other than kenneling him anything I could do to control him isn’t ethical.

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by: Anonymous

Try leashing him when someone comes to the door. That way you can introduce him to the person & control him at the same time. My full blooded Aussie is 6 yrs old & we still have to leash her sometimes when someone knew comes over. Its just their nature & completely normal for them to be overly vocal so as long as you have the growling & snapping under control your doing good & you can do that with a leash & positive reinforcement with a treat every time you get him to sit & be calm with a new person. If that doesn't work then go back to putting him in a kennel or outside( if u have a fenced in back yard) until the person leaves or until u feel he's calm enough. It will definitely take time & work but every small step counts & with time hopefully he will eventually see it as the way he should act. Best of luck!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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