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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Australian Shepherd Biting, Jumping, And Chasing Chickens

by Gilbert Wellenreiter
(Winchester, Illinois, USA)

I became the owner of a two-year-old Australian Shepherd this past week. I presently have a two-year-old Chocolate Lab and Chickens and Ducks. The dog's name is Shep. I am 69 and I walk daily with my present Lab and I have started walking Shep with us.

1. He wants to bite and jump. How do I prevent him from biting and jumping up on me?

2. I have chickens and ducks. The fowl run loose in my back yard. My back yard is fenced in. He went after my chickens when I was not looking. Brought one in the house the other night. Also got ahold of a couple of chickens. I have to watch him with the chickens and ducks.

What can I do to solve these issues? I have had Labs in the past. My present Lab is good-natured and easy to get along with. I want my experience with Shep to work out.

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Chicken chaser
by: Anonymous

We have an Aussie who is a year we have set boundaries for him we tell him to be nice and he will just herd them not bite. Australian Sheppard is a herding dog he will nip we remind ours no bite and he knows he will go to his house if he is bad they are a loving breed and they love to work just be patient with him he will learn the boundaries. Blessings. Karen

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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