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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Australian Shepherd Breeder Won't Send Papers

I don't know what to do or who to contact regarding a breeder, ... who sold me a dog, per our agreement, had her spayed before shipping, was paid in full and after months of one way communication, from me, won't send me her papers or any responses to many e-mails since August of this year.

It will be appreciated if someone could assist me in this unpleasant matter. ...

Comments for Australian Shepherd Breeder Won't Send Papers

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Dog received?
by: Anonymous

I’m assuming you received the dog?

If she’s been spayed, the papers really have no value. Why stress over it? Let karma take care of her. But just for curiosity sake, how is she registered? If it’s NSDR or ASCA and you know the name of the dam & sire, they might be able to step in.

What information do you have?
by: Anonymous

I am assuming this is registration with the AKC or ASDR? If so, do you have the parents' registration information? And do you have your contract with the breeder stating that the dog would be registered? If you have that information you can try contacting the registry and letting them know the situation. Most reputable breeders either send the buyer home with the paperwork to transfer registration or register the puppy while the buyer is present. Accepting paperwork at a later date through the mail is uncommon.

Correction to previous comment
by: Anonymous

I was assuming registration with AKC or *ASCA. ASDR was an error.

No papers
by: Anonymous

That is a problem, no doubt! It happened to a friend, turns out the puppy was from an "off" breeding and not eligible to be registered, so no papers. Try checking with an Aussie breed association in the breeder's area, see if they are a registered breeder, and if so, make a complaint about not getting papers for your pup.

Same thing happened to me!
by: Anonymous

Same here! Bought Aussie and breeder said papers in the mail. Trusted breeder since two big breeders told me the breeders was good to deal with. Turns out no papers in mail and the breeder has a HUGE criminal record and skipped the state. I hunted the breeder down and got the litter id but no papers. Have all paper information for parents.

Dog is not fixed since I was waiting for papers.

Now looking for good contract lawyer to get OUT of breeched contract. The problem is most contract lawyers DO NOT want to deal with dog sale contracts.

Any suggestions for contract lawyers in SOCAL that deal with dog sale contracts?

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