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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Australian Shepherd Having Seizures In His Sleep

by Zach Cain
(Rawlins, Wyoming)

I have 18-month-old blue merle Australian Shepherd who is deaf from birth and he is having seizures in his sleep. I've had blood work done on him and the vet said he a perfectly healthy dog.

I'm about to start CBD treats with him but I would like some more info about why this is happening and how to treat it.

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by: Anonymous

some dogs shake in their sleep

by: Anonymous

Epilepsy is relatively common in the Australian Shepherd if that’s what it turns out to be. Ours started having seizures at about 2 years old (the approximate age of onset according to my research). For reasons not clear to me, the seizures almost always occur when he is sleeping. Medications have decreased the quantity and the severity. Ours is now 4 and doing fine. They can live a long happy life with epilepsy I’m told. I think it’s harder on us than our boy. Talk to your vet.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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