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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Australian Shepherd Jumping On Everything

by Ray

My Aussie is 2 and we have had trouble with jumping since day 1. We took him to a trainer and tried everything in the book but nothing is working he jumps on people, furniture, the table and he tried to jump on the stove once. He understand the off command but the second you let your guard down he jumps on you. Really don't want him to jump on the wrong thing or person. Any suggestions?

Comments for Australian Shepherd Jumping On Everything

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Jumping on Everything
by: Anne Calmes

Do NOT let your dog jump on everything and by that I mean... You are are suppose to be the Alpha dog. What YOU say goes not the dog.

Maybe your dog needs more exercise as it sounds like they have high energy. Find herding lessons close to you or an agility class.
Good Luck!
If you need more help you can e-mail me privately at

Anne Calmes
Gold Ring Aussies
Hammond Obedience Training

by: Gayle Big Run Aussie

Aussies jump on things because they can. My dogs have also jumped on the table, counter, etc., but only once. As Anne said, they need to be taught to jump on things that are allowed. When I first started agility, my husband questioned teaching them to jump, but they learned quickly and solidly that they could only jump on or over agility equipment. They are not allowed to jump baby gates. They are not allowed to jump our fence. They are perfectly able to jump all these things, but they don't because they have been taught not to. Basic obedience in a positive reinforcement setting is what you both need. Trick training would also be fun for both of you. Kyra Sundance's 101 Dog Tricks is a fabulous book. The tricks taught in it are easily adaptable to clicker training. Also, check out clicker training on You Tube or It is a fun and rewarding way for you and your Aussie to train. Have fun!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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