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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Australian Shepherd Jumping

by Bill
(Memphis, TN)

My daughter moved to NYC and left her year old with us. We love her but she jumps and I am afraid that it could end up in a lawsuit. I know she is excited but nothing we have tried has worked. She is also a shameless begger.

Anytime we get something to eat, she is in our face.


Aussie Behavior Problems? Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Comments for Australian Shepherd Jumping

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Aussie Jumping
by: Nonnie

When we eat, we put our Aussies in their kennels. They are two years old - just had their birthday!

If the dog has not had obedience training, find someone as quick as possible. Train every day. Become the alpha in your pack. The Aussie is looking for someone to be the alpha. When she can't find that "dog" she tries to become the alpha.

Good luck!!

Aussie jumping
by: jcrply

I am looking forward to reading some comments and advice about this. My 7 month old pup also gets overly excited when she sees people and wants to wiggle and jump and jump. She doesn't jump on me but tries to jump on people she has never seen before or seldom sees. She is very obedient when just with me, but I lose her attention around other people. That may mean that I never REALLY had it. I have tried keeping her in a sit or down, and that helps a little but it is a constant struggle. Hope someone else has some other ways to deal with this.

by: Millie SPRINGER

Reading this, the best thing for both of you is to get in a good training class. These guys are too smart not to learn, they will learn soo fast. Oh, Aussies are "garbage cans".....Will eat 24/7 if you let them. You are doing the best thing, out of site when you are trying to eat.

by: jcrply

Quoting: "Reading this, the best thing for both of you is to get in a good training class." Well, my pup has been through 2 puppy classes with 2 different organizations. She did very well, was chosen "best in class" out of 8 dogs in one of them. She obeys the standard commands, she does tricks, she is basically good and sweet... But they NEVER addressed the problem of jumping up on people, of being able to stay calm when approached by a person. If asked, the instructors will give you advice to do on your own... have the pup sit when someone comes up... My pup will sit and stay for me, but when someone comes up... she loses it all. I would gladly pay for a class that did nothing but teach the pup (and me) how to civilize her for meeting people. This is basic manners, and I feel that I am not doing well at all.

by: Nonnie / Dee Cutshall

Check at the place you did your puppy obedience training for one on one training. You can then work on what you need to teach your puppy. If they don't have one on one training check at your local PetSmart. We went there for fear aggression in our mini and it has helped tremendously. Keep us up to date.

by: jcrply

This week I corresponded with a person at the obedience club where we took a class. She suggested that I bring the pup on a night that they have the area open to their members for practicing, and for me to just keep my pup off to the side and any time she showed any reaction to the people and/or dogs to lead her to a corner and just sit and stare into the corner for a few moments and then come back. This seems to help a lot. She only gets to watch the action when she is being calm. I will do this once a week. It is amazing to watch the members' dogs who just totally ignore all the other dogs and all the other people.

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