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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Australian Shepherd Mix Puppy Is Breathing Rapidly

by Brianna

I just picked up an Australian Shepherd/Blue Heeler mix yesterday. A friend gave him to us as he was only 10 weeks old.

I’ve noticed that when he’s sleeping he breathes really rapidly. He drinks plenty of water and I had his first set of shots and dewormer given to him yesterday as well.

A lot of people tell me this is normal since he’s still a puppy but it still worries me. So, is this normal? I’m so afraid something's wrong with him and I’m already attached to him even though it’s just been a day.

Comments for Australian Shepherd Mix Puppy Is Breathing Rapidly

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Probably Normal
by: KelliG

My Josie did the same thing. I was so worried. The vet thought it was odd too, but not that worrisome. We ran every test and even spoke to specialists. Turns out some puppies/dogs do that. In fact, she still breaths fast to this day. Even while sleeping.

Go ahead and have her/him checked to be safe. But chances are there is really nothing to really worry about. Good Luck! Adorable pup!

Been there
by: Anonymous

I worried to about this. My vet wasn't overly concerned and said many puppies breathe fast even when sleeping. To be on the safe side he did some testing and found nothing. I contacted the breeder I got him from and she said not to worry. He is 11 months now and still breaths fast but it has slowed a lot.

Breathing fast
by: Anonymous

Hey, I thought the same seeing my Australian Shepherd / Siberian Husky mix doing the same and my vet told me that some puppies breathe a lot faster.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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