Photo: Amanda Wilson
This handsome fellow is Bear from Kurrajong, New South Wales, Australia. He is one of four Aussies here. The others are Bessie, Benji, and Bella.
Submit Your BEST Australian Shepherd Photo(s)
Photo: Dr. Petr Košik
Heila is a female Aussie from Prague, Czechia. She likes her fur blowing in the wind and loves the snow and water. She's always wanted to be a famous model.
Owner: Michelle Whitehouse, Photo: Shandess Griffen
Scout is the biggest love bug. He loves to play with his ball, and play frisbee. He also loves to hunt for squirrels and believes it's his job! He loves his mom and follows me everywhere—the definition of a Velcro dog.
Photo: Laura Williams
Koda Blu, from Granbury, TX, is our male, red merle Aussie. He is a lover. He is also the most photogenic animal I have ever met.
Photo: Robynn Brinkley
Cookie has been a therapy dog for 3 years at a children's hospital and loves to play in leaves. She loves to go everywhere with me and it doesn't matter where it is if she gets to see people. She also loves to play her version of basketball with one of her humans and fetching balls in general.
Photo: Greg Desjardins
Thor is a red tri Australian Shepherd from London, ON, Canada. Here he's enjoying the day outside playing with his Frisbee!
Photo: Alecia Kurey
Sienna-Bell, from Portland, OR, is a sweet little firecracker of an Aussie who loves to lay in the sunshine, chase waves at the beach, and play with any dog who is up for a game of chase. She is a sock fiend and no sock is left undiscovered in her presence. With Sienna always in tow, our PNW adventures are way more fun!
Photo: Janet Crandall
Lenny, from Mayville, NY, loves to play catch. He would play all day long if given the opportunity. I have never had an Aussie so obsessed with his toy balls. He always has one in his mouth. And, frequently, he can't find one in the house, because they are all outside. Love my Aussie!
Photo: Micki Dixon
Remington (red merle, male) and Braylee (blue merle, female), from Verona, KY, USA, were both rescues and absolutely love living in our camper full-time 'cause they get to hike and swim nonstop. Here are my fur tornadoes at the Devil's Tower National Monument in front of the Circle of Sacred Smoke sculpture.
Photo: Amanda Wilson
Bessie, from Kurrajong, NSW, Australia, has been all over the country with me though many ups 'n' downs. Here she is enjoying the beach at the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia.
Photo: Lee Williams
This was Jaxon's first trip into the high desert of SE Oregon to see the wild Kiger mustangs.
Photo: Doug Kelley
This is Gracie at six years old and about 55 pounds. She may be the sweetest Aussie we have ever met or known. We are so lucky. She's the ultimate Aussie velcro lapdog!
Photo: Heike Ramm
I took this photo of 3-year-old Sunny during a walk through the autumn forest. She loves running through the forest.
Photo: Bonnie M
My best girl is 5-year-old Mia (meeyah) from Alliston, ON, Canada. She's a ham for sure. This photo is one of our early morning walks and I just love capturing her in action.
Photo: Sara Lennartson
Echo, from Lemoore, CA, USA, is ball obsessed and loves nothing more than to go to the coast and run on the beach when not going on long trail rides with myself and my horse or helping out on the family cattle ranch.
Photo: Mary Lynn Desjardins
Thor is a red tri Aussie from London, ON, Canada. Here he is enjoying a drink from a fountain on a warm sunny day.
Photo: Trish Hoesly
Bailey is our 13-year-old, black tri. She works with us on our registered Holstein dairy farm. She has many jobs including watching gates, helping load feed, and herding the cats. But her most favorite job of all is tending to and loving the newborn calves. This picture was taken on a cold, winter morning. She was sitting in the sun, letting this calf show her some love.
Photo: Antonella Telipski
Meet Copper from Pennsylvania. He is so smart and knows multiple commands such as spin, bang, wait, high five, sit, lay, who's a good boy, and more! He loves cuddles and car rides!
Photo: Hannah Padilla
This is Luka when we went hiking at the Chickasaw National Recreation Park in Sulphur, Oklahoma. Luka was trained specifically to be a trail dog. He had near perfect recall at only a year old and is able to be off leash if the area permits it. At this location we went for a swim in the beautiful Sulphur Springs and met some buffalo after a long hike! He is the most loyal companion and is always up for the next great adventure.
Photo: Jennifer O'Hara
Finn joy riding in the jeep! Taking a slow ride through the neighborhood enjoying the scenery on a warm summer day.
Photo: Shelley Davis
Captain is 2 years old in this photo. He loves to play on the ice with my 14-year-old son. He copies my son now and runs and jumps up and down on it. LOL
Photo: Jeff Irwin
This is Sophie from Crested Butte, Colorado. She loves hanging out in the mountains and keeping an eye on all the forest creatures. She likes to chase deer and elk and even chased a bear out of our driveway once! She's absolutely perfect.
Photo: Ann Taylor
Ginger is a rescued tri-red Australian Shepherd. Besides being my sidekick, she loves hanging out with the horses and cats, patrolling the property, hiking, agility, frisbee, and playing with her favorite toy, a jolly ball.
Owner: Jess Kachur, Photo: Cindy Pitschke
This is Nugget (Rainyday's Heart of Gold), a 2-year-old Aussie from Green Bay, Wisconsin running Fast CAT! I swear this could be a meme!
Rhea Kavanagh
This is our beautiful red tri girl Rory at Brighton Beach near Adelaide, South Australia at sunset. Rory loves balls and the beach. She is a very high jumper! She is the sweetest, most loyal, Velcro, floofy girl!
Rich Kinas
Like most Aussies, Pebbles would rather play in the rain than go back in the house! Pebbles has taught herself to catch five frisbees in her mouth one at a time before bringing them back to be thrown again. What a blessing it been to have such a sweet little girl.
Annemie Ribbens
Quin is a 5-year-old female Australian Shepherd from Rotselaar, Belgium. In the evening it is her time to run free and crazy through the fields. My super sweet velcro dog always steals the show!
Randi Hubbard
This is Graham (Sweet Delta Preacher Man, RNX, RN, DS) from Tucson, AZ. If there's water around, he's wet! Yes, they come in solid black!
Derek Cole
Loki is a male, 1-year-old Australian Shepherd. He absolutely loves playing in the water or doing anything that includes running. His favorite activities include playing fetch and going to the dog park to play with his doggo friends. While home relaxing, Loki is the weirdest sleeper and likes to twist up like a pretzel while snoring loudly.
Jake Willis
Here's my sweet adventurous boy, Digo. He loves to play frisbee, tug, and go on long hikes in Acadia National Park. He loves everyone and has really been a joy to raise.
Kelly Landis
This is Penny (left), who is 10 years old, and her daughter PJ (right), 8 years old. They love going out in the pasture to check the cows. When they get too hot from chasing anything that will run they like to take a dip in the pond to cool off. Aussies are the greatest dogs in the world.
Scott Harrison
Brodie is a male, black tri Aussie about 7 and a half years old. He loves to go kayaking with me and rides on the front or back of my Hobie Outback. He weighs about 65 lbs and does affect the trim of the kayak when aboard! I took this photo at Stone Lagoon, one of four Lagoons just north of Eureka, CA. He started kayaking with me when he was about 8 weeks old and has gone through 3 sizes of PFDs since. I always tell people the PFD has handles, which makes it easier to haul his soggy butt back aboard when he goes swimming! Other folks on the Lagoons always know when I catch a fish cause he barks a bunch.
Jackie Good
Pickles is a 2-year-old rescue from South Carolina. He enjoys belly rubs, chasing his Aussie sister Cricket, and long naps in Mom's office under her desk.
Rick Russell
I recently rescued my two-year-old Aussie, Bear, and he is now adjusting to the life of an adventure dog and loving the beach.
Megan Brierley
This is Oz, an 11-month-old Australian Shepherd from England. He loved the snow on our walk. We set off at 8 a.m. to catch the sunrise and golden hour. He certainly knows how to pose! He got rather confused as to why he kept sinking and why his tennis ball kept "disappearing"! He loves every single person and dog he meets. He's very full on, but we wouldn't change him for the world!
Dimitri Capelli
I'm from Bormio in the Italian Alps and this is Artù, my male one-year-old blue merle Aussie. I took this photo in the Alps on a foggy day with the first snow of the year. Artù was eager to pose for a photo.
Jeff Straut
This is Maximum Overdrive (Max for short). Max is just over six years old and my best buddy. I got Max at eight weeks old and immediately put him in puppy play time until he was six months old. Max is my external motivation, getting me out and moving, training him, herding our goats and getting both of us exercise. Max works so well with our other Australian-Shepherd, Cowley, herding the goats. Cowley was staring down one of the goats and about to get head butted when Max came around to the rear of the goat and nipped her in the butt, great teamwork. Very smart, loving, and attentive boy.
Jenni Haines
This is Duke. Otherwise known as "The Duke" or "Dukie Duke McDukerson". Duke is about 7 years old. He was found on the streets of Phoenix Arizona about 3 1/2 years ago. The vet down there seemed to think that Duke had been on the streets a long time due to the burn scars on the pads of his feet. He was brought to a rescue and his picture was put on social media as an adoption ad. I lived in Arizona at the time. My lifelong friend in Washington State saw the post and told me to go pick him up and she would come down to get him soon. I took one look at this sweet Aussie and told her "No way. He’s mine!" I made a phone call and got him the following week. Almost 3 years ago now, we moved back to my hometown on the Southern Oregon Coast. Duke much prefers the climate, terrain, and critters here. But he’s always up for a road trip anywhere. I grew up on a farm, so I’m very familiar with Aussies and other farm dogs. But Duke isn’t like any other Aussie or dog. He’s truly a one of a kind. I don’t think I rescued him as much as he rescued me.
Samantha Saperstein
This is Teddy, our black tri Aussie pup. He is 8 months old and loves the lake life. He swims like a shark, sun bathes, and even tries to herd his friends together for puppy play dates.
Ashly Mogar
This is Kuiper (pronounced like Piper). She is almost 10 weeks old here and is absolutely fearless! She plays rough with my two 50lb boys. I can't wait to see her grow up!
Jon Hoskins
I'm a hobby photographer, not a pro, but I enjoy photography a lot and my Penny has grown up with a camera pointed at her since I got her at 8 weeks old... I shot this on a beach in Ocean Shores, WA, USA. I brought the camera out to try and take a few shots of what was promising to be a pretty decent sunset over the Pacific Ocean. Realizing that I had put down the Chuckit! stick and grabbed the camera for a minute, my Penny just plopped down on the wet sand in front of me, as if to say "get it over with".
Charles Cumming
This is Della, a twelve year old Australian Shepherd. We have had her since an 8-week-old puppy and she is a real sweetheart. She still loves to play ball and frisbee and I have to be the one to tell her enough! She loves meeting up with her friends and taking walks in the woods. She has always been our Delightful Della.
Ashley Plantz
Robin is very sweet, intelligent, and also quite mischievous! She loves to play with her many puppy friends or play fetch with mom and dad. She’s always up for an adventure or snuggles on the couch.
Tessa Wilson
Maple, at 8 months old in this photo, has been the biggest blessing and the most fun, even during such a tough year. She makes us laugh every day, reminds us to get our exercise, and is the world's best snuggler. She loves to come with me on hikes, runs, or even just from room to room.
Rich Cower
This is Lola playing in her first snow. We live in Sandpoint, Idaho, we get a decent amount of snow here and she loves it. She's a serious lap dog, loves to climb in my lap and have her belly rubbed. When at play she can be very mischievous, if I drop a hat or glove in the snow she races in to grab it and takes off running. Chasing her is futile, she is a lot faster than I am. I have to go in the house, get a slice of cheese and trade her for the piece of clothing she ran off with.
Tina Brännström
Bailey is a 2.5 year old black tri colored male. He's funny, goofy, independent and brave—such a great dog to live with. We are training to try to become a certified search and rescue dog team. Here we are on a 12 day hike in the northern parts of the Swedish mountains. He has given me many new grey hairs and many laugh wrinkles. I love this fine pup!
Theresa Eicke
This is Shep, my 8-year-old Aussie. We live in south Germany in the northern Alps. Shep is the best companion I could wish for. When I go hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking, or stay at home on the couch he is always by my side. He always gives me a safe feeling. The photo was taken on top of the mountain "Wertacher Hörnle" in Germany.
Dan Becker
This is my girl Tania. She is a red merle Australian Shepherd and here she is at the dog beach in Orange County, Ca. Tania absolutely loves the water! She is 2 years old in this picture. Tania, (like most Aussies) is very photogenic and is always smiling for the camera! She won a local photo contest with this picture.
This is Daisy Mae who is 6 years old. She loves to swim, play frisbee, chase balls (and catch them) plus go to the dog park to play and run with her pals. She is very active and does many tricks such as "dead dog" (sit, go bang, and falls); she spins in one direction then switches to the other; shakes your hand plus gives you 10 paws; loves to crawl and roll over and over; she brings in the paper and carries her leash.
Annemie Vander Meer
Nash is 5 years old in this photo and he does agility in competitions in Belgium. He is always happy and loves his mom so much that he sticks to me like glue. He is my sweet boy.
Greg Patterson
Gus is a 3-year-old black tri and this photo was taken in Bryan, Texas. Gus can get the mail, unload the dryer, close the pantry door, and many other cool tricks—including running agility weaves!
Tracy Robinson
This is my Taz "The Man" Robinson. He is an 18-month-old blue merle. Taz is a very happy and outgoing puppy. He is very smart and is currently taking agility classes. He loves to explore the outdoors, chase/catch his toys, to play in any body of water and going for car rides. He enjoys running on the beach and being around his family all the time. He is the best pet and family member anyone could ask for.
Chris Kelly
This picture is of my Jacob taken in Anchorage, AK, USA. He was 2 ½ years old in the picture. I had cleared the snow in the backyard so we had room to play fetch, including blowing snow near the fence creating a hard pack. On this toss of his ball Jacob went fast enough and at the proper angle that he banked on the snow and ran on the vertical fence briefly trying to get his ball. He was wearing his Ruff Wear Grip Tex boots and maybe they helped. I was lucky enough to capture the picture and it’s one of my favorites of him.
Brooke Laws
Koda is a 6-year-old blue merle female
Roadie is a 2-year-old red merle male
The look of a younger sibling running for dear life after having done something to his older sibling that he thought was hilarious.
Tamara Cunningham
We adopted Gideon a seven-year-old blue merle male and his brother Calvin in April of 2018. I did a photo shoot with them to get some great photos so that my niece could do a pastel painting of each dog for us. This is the one of Gideon. Giddy’s nickname is Prince Giddy—he always stands so tall and proper.
If you have artwork of your Aussie you can show it off in our Aussie Art Section here. You can include a description of your art and up to 4 photos.
Donna J. Smiedt
This is Angus (red merle) and Oliver (blue merle). They are having fun in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, specifically Crested Butte, Colorado. Angus is 13 years old and Ollie is 12.
Anne Ritchie
From left to right: Rush, 7-month-old female red merle; Compass, 13-month-old female red merle
Don’t look Rushie, Momma is going to give me a treat.
Dannie Rios
This is Abbey and she still loves to swim and be acrobatic when it comes to water. She is 8-years-old and still acts and plays like a puppy. We live and play in San Diego, CA.
This is Sam, my male red merle Australian Shepherd puppy and he is 6 months old here. He is lively, cheerful, and very sweet. He loves going for walks in the country and enjoys playing, running, and jumping in the meadows. I was lying on the ground to take this picture and he wasn't able to stop in time and literally crashed into me.
Ivey Johnson
This is Mr. Max Underfoot. He loves swimming, pulling my plants out of their pots (he says they started it) and his brother Slurpee. He is a 60lb pup that swears he's a lap dog and will jump on the couch and sit on your chest if you're not careful! Here he is blissfully enjoying all the allergens!
Jeannie Vawter
This is Harley our male 6 month old Aussie. I had sprained my ankle and he kept pulling the pillows out from under my foot. So I put him outside for maybe 10-15 minutes with my back to him. When I turned around he was on top of the table, pulling all my new flowers out of the pots. This is what we call his "Your not the boss of me" look.
John Callaghan
This is my boy Red, he is just over two years old. I adopted him from the Pasco Humane Society in Florida. He was a 7 month old pup and I was his 4th owner. He was a problem dog, super high energy with no discipline, no training and a biter. He was certainly a challenge and honestly one I thought that may be beyond my capabilities for the first few months. It took about 3 months before I could pet him without getting bit, but eventually we made the breakthrough and connected. Frisbee was the key to expending his energy and allowing him to calm himself. He is still very high energy but he is now a fantastic dog, very well behaved and a true joy. I'm so thankful for him, he keeps me moving and brings me so much happiness, we go pretty much everywhere together.
Hanne Lundsberg
This is my lovely Aussie "Godsend Khetashio", call name Godte, from Holbaek in Denmark. He is a 5 year old male, and the most lovely dog I know. He gets along with all kinds of other animals; horses, cats, chickens—just not mice—he loves to catch mice together with our cat.
Front to back: Lily, Maggie (sisters), and Daisy Mae, enjoying a day of playing at the park. My Aussie, Daisy is 5 years old and loves swimming, ball, tug of war, and loves everyone.
Audrey Long
This is Adelaide with her little Pit Bull friend Monty. She is a double merle Australian Shepherd and that means she is deaf and vision impaired. An irresponsible breeder had her and my uncle rescued her from being put down for being deaf. She was left on a farm for 3 months in a pen. When I found her, she was matted and covered in more than two dozen ticks. I brought her home the next day and gave her a good shave (even though its not recommended the matts were too severe), bath and warm bed inside. Even though she is deaf, she is smarter than Monty and knows a lot of sign language. She loves to "herd" Monty and play in the mud. I will never condone irresponsible breeding that resulted in her deafness but I know that when double merles are born they are often put to sleep because of their deafness and I could not stress enough that deaf dogs (especially Aussies) have never been in more need of good homes than they are now. I couldn't imagine a world without my Addie.
Mary Crann
Chrome was born on May 3, the day California Chrome won the Kentucky Derby. I was in California for a conference at the time and with her black tri markings thought it was a perfect name. Chrome is a runner and her job is helping me train for running marathons. We are fortunate to call Juneau, Alaska our home and both enjoy the many beautiful trails. This picture is at Cedar Lake which is a trail near Point Bridgette. Chrome loves to run but does not enjoy swimming. Here she is watching everyone else taking a dip. She loves eating fresh berries and later found a blueberry bush that turned her white paws blue. After a long day running and hiking the trails she enjoys curling up with our cat. Chrome is very precious and I love sharing my active life with her.
Owner: Steven Firn, Photo: Rachel Warlow
This is Smokey, a male Australian Shepherd (AKC—Smok'em If You Got'em). At the time of photo he was 8 weeks old. He likes long hikes with daddy on our ranch, but sometimes he likes to ride piggyback. He loves our 60 acre ranch to roam around on.
Piper Falls
America is a 8 week old female puppy, adopted from a small farm in Wilton, CA. She is a sweet and smart girl with striking blue eyes. Even though she is still so young she has welcomed anyone wanting to hold her with a lick on their face.
Robert Marks
Our family has two Australian Shepherds and we live in Danville, Pennsylvania. The light colored blue merle male is named Trust and he is about 5 years old. The black-tri female is named Blossom and she is 2 years old. No matter what we do to block access to the roof they find a way up from the deck off the back of the house. They have been doing this for a few years now. They both enjoy looking down on the people that go by our house everyday. At first I was very concerned about this behavior but now I believe it is just part of their routine in the yard. It is sometimes funny when cars stop to take pictures or construction workers alert us to what they have observed while we were at work. We love both of our Aussies and they certainly have awesome energy. I try to take them on bike rides with me as often as I can.
Chill and Lolly
This is a photo of our red merle Australian Shepherd, Eden Faith, and our newest puppy, Emma Grace, who is a a red tri and is 10 weeks old here. This was taken in Destin, Florida while we were on vacation!
Kelly Coventry
My Aussie Snow and I had just finished having a good time playing in the backyard when I took this photo. It looks like she's giving me a wink and a smile—actually, she was eating grass.
Susan Chesnut
Jax loves our walks along the creek! We live in the mountains and Jax gets to run in the forest everyday. He especially loves our walks along the creek where he can lay in the water and see the little Brookies swim by!
Deborah McLean
Keeva and Rowan are both from the same litter. Rowan, a male, was named for his red coat. He is my dream agility dog, competing regularly between classes. We have been very successful as a team! Keeva, a female, is a born retriever, and frisbee queen. I call her "The Manager" because she is definitely the dominant dog. In our off time, we go for long rambles along country trails. They are my constant companions and my heart's delight!
Pam and Rick Raldiris
This is our Australian Shepherd, Tessa, at two years old. Tessa has two blue eyes and is very laid back for an Aussie. She loves long walks, going to doggie day care to play with her friends, car rides, and playing fetch with her balls. She is still a bit unsure about going into the ocean, but does love running on the beach.
Minden Dice
These are my beautiful girls; Scout, the red merle, and Sage, the red tri. They love being outdoors, hiking and exploring new places. And while Scout is content to lounge in the shade, Sage has trouble sitting still and is always eager for her next adventure.
Clarissa Baker
Korah Caboose is 4 years old. She was in a cage the first three months of her life. When she had pneumonia they wanted to put her down instead of fixing her. So me being a RVT and that was always my dream dog, I asked them to sign her over to me. Now she has been my best friend my pal and we have lots of fun together. She's so smart.
Michael and Donna Isom
I would like to introduce Zoe. Being Military we are always traveling around the country and are currently in El Paso TX, at least for the next year. We took a day trip to White Sands National Park in New Mexico. This picture was taken after about 30 minutes of enjoying running and hard playing in the sand. Picture was taken with A Nikon D700 with a NIkor14-24 Ultra wide lens @ f5.6.
Jackie Lewis
I live in Whiteville, NC, with my husband and our 3 Aussies, Belle, Bonnie, and Buddy. In this picture, I was able to get them to stand still long enough for the photo while they were anxiously waiting for me to pick up their ball.
John Chuchla
This is Apache. He's 7 yrs old and loves spending time up in Maine. This trail he's on is the back end of the precipice; one of the most popular in Acadia National Park. This trail gets this Aussie going. In the evening he looks forward to a well deserved nap, but not for long! He's up and ready to do it again.
Hagar Cohen
This is my best friend Luna. She's a 1.5 year old Australian Shepherd. We work together, since I'm an assistant animal therapist. She's playful and very friendly to other dogs, people of all kinds, and kids. She isn't herding these sheep and goats, but she looks the part when we meet them on our walks. This photo was taken at place near to where we live in Israel called "Tower of Justice." It's a building from the Ottoman-era.
Cat Jones
Our beautiful female Aussie named Lola. She is 11 months old and is such a cuddly sweetheart, who LOVES to explore the outdoors. This picture was taken after a rainy morning walk at our local rapids where she got a little too brave near the water. Lola lives with her family in Perth, Western Australia.
Photo used with permission of Margaret Shelburne
This is Tinsel (AKC/ASCA Jail House Tinsel Town CGCA, JHD-g, JHD-s, DNP-vp). This black tri girl is my right hand when it comes to moving cattle or goats. She is high energy but at the same time a love bug. She loves everyone and especially people with a physical condition. I never had a dog that could read my mind or body language until I got her. She was my first Aussie and I now have a total of three. She loves herding, frisbee, and rally but most of all being with me doing ranch chores. She goes with me when I'm hauling water (has to ride on the tractor), and when feeding the horses and chickens.
Zor is an amazing soul! We met when he was 5 months old and at 9 months old he is a loyal companion. With summer finally arriving, Zor got his own wading pool and discovered he can splash... now to catch those splashes!
Roni Scott
This is beautiful Sky Blue, our 3 year old blue merle. This photo was taken during a hike while camping at Blackwater River State Park in Florida. Sky is our second Aussie and is always ready for an adventure like this. There's nothing he likes better than to explore with us. He loves riding in the truck, camping with us in our trailer, and running alongside us when we bike. Limitless energy and limitless love.
Oscar Treviño Argüelles
Greetings from Mexico! This is red merle Aussie, Luca, and the name of the quarter horse is Pepto.
Windy Petrek
Lexi is 2 years old and a princess. She loves to lay in the recliner and be rocked. She also loves to work cows every chance she gets. She is the all around best dog you could ever ask for.
Lourry Legarde
Caprisse is the blue merle and Crimson is the red merle. Two wonderful and highly energetic Aussies who are very loving and intelligent. It is taking some time to potty train them but they're barely 9 weeks old and already are capable of doing a few tricks such as "sit, lay down, roll over, and up." We can't believe how fast they learn! It helps a lot too when we train them individually.
John Chuchla
This is Apache, he's 6 years old. He loves doing his Aussie thing in Acadia National Park in Maine. He makes the trip up there twice a year from Brooklyn, NY. It's a joy to see him romp through the woods and streams. If he's not dirty and wet he hasn't started having fun yet.
Owner: Cameron Gibson; Photo: Zach Gibson
Thelma is a sassy, energetic 5 month old girl. She picks up every stick we see on our walks—the bigger, the better! Thelma has been great therapy for some sadness that our family recently faced. She's brought smiles to our faces every day since she joined our "pack." We adore her.
Max Hourigan
This is Dottie. She is a 3 year old blue merle with a passion for travel. She has lived in or traveled to 10 different states in her young life and currently resides in Old Tappan, New Jersey. Always looking for a frisbee or ball to play with, she is the best companion a family can ask for!
Nodie Hrenchir
My Aussie's name is Maybel. She is 5 years old and is the love of my life. This picture is from this summer on the Yellowstone River. It was evening time and we had just launched our drift boat on the water and decided to pull over for a doggie potty break and some exercise. Maybel loves to swim and fetch sticks in the water so of course I had to share this one. She's a large female (64 pounds) and is the best companion I could ever ask for.
Owner: Claudio Pisani, Photo: Dennis Mifsud
I am from Mosta, Malta, which is a small (tiny) island in the middle of the Mediterranean sea, south Europe. This photo was on a taken on a dog trek for the small number of Aussies here, and it was close to the sea. Neo, who is a male red tri, was one year four months when the photo was taken. Needless to say, he went to swim with his harness and all, as he can't resist getting wet. Every puddle is an opportunity, so the sea…
Owner: Lucie Kašíková, Photo: Jiří Zapletal
This is my Australian Shepherd, André, at 15 months old. He is a real geyser of energy and is always in a good mood. He is my first dog and is definitely my big dream come true. This photo was taken during a walk in autumn in a beautiful place called Wallachia.
Mark Brownton
On December 9th 2013 at 6 AM in the morning in So Cal at our ranch I was out with my Australian Shepherds, Bailey and Cooper, and saw what I thought was a coyote. All I could see was a shadow of this figure and it was coming closer.
We had a female Coyote that had lost its mate earlier in the year and took to following us around the ranch on our early morning work out. She followed about 50 yards back and wanted to connect but her nature would not allow it, nor for that matter would Bailey or Cooper have invited this action either. So I thought for just a moment, she has now decided to connect.
Mark Brownton
Here's another photo of Abigail where you can see that she may be an Australian Shepherd cross; perhaps with a Husky (?)
This is going to be interesting (so I thought) until I could make out now what I thought was a Husky due to the ears and then as she approached I could make out the blue merle coating and no tail. There was an usual dance between the ranch dogs and the new dog and every one seemed to get along.
She was very shy and in fact still is. She was the 55th dog that has been dropped off at our place in the past 20 years and we have taken care of each and every one by finding homes for them in one way or another.
So this is how Abigail (Abby) came to be at our place. She was so pretty and such a lovely animal we decided to keep her and we have enjoyed every moment with her. She has turned out to be one of the best at agility, Frisbee and sheep herding. It goes a little bit against our Aussie only policy but this one we had to make an exception. We love her dearly.
Leslie Smith
This is Alexio my four year old happy go lucky Aussie from Kailua Hawaii. He loves to go on hikes and loves to swim and herd the waves. At home he's content to chew his favorite squeaky ball and frolic with Max our cat and Bella our Maltese.
Andrea Brown
Xenia is a 3 year old tri Australian Shepherd who lives in Valdosta, Georgia, USA. Xenia loves all living creatures. After we moved about a year ago and discovered there was a herd of goats just across the field from us Xenia adopted these goats as her own herd. Every day we must visit them and she loves sitting near the gate for hours. Xenia is quick to tell them to stop fighting and when one wanders away she will call them back to the herd. After noting that the goats were not being well cared for we began bringing goat food and fresh water to them. Xenia lets me know at the exact same time every day that we need to go on our walk to feed her herd. Xenia's favorite goat "Gazelle" just had babies. Even though Gazelle is very friendly with Xenia (touching noses), her babies are still shy and stand back away from them fence. Xenia lays by the fence as still as possible. She keeps her eyes on the babies but turns her head when they look so not to make eye contact because she knows it scares them. After 3 weeks the babies are getting closer and the male is curious. Today, he stuck his head through the fence to sniff Xenia. I missed that shot but I just Love how Xenia displays the Aussie patience!
Todd Wynia
Our Aussie Jasper lives with us in Gilbert, AZ, a suburb of Phoenix. We often hike along the Salt River, about ½ hour from our home where he finds treasure that gives him the zoomies. It's so much fun to witness the joy that a simple piece of bark or stick can bring him. I'm pretty sure he's the most loved dog in the Phoenix area.
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