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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Australian Shepherd Puppy Only Poops And Pees In Own Yard

by Katherine
(Toronto, Canada)

My parents' Australian Shepherd pup is only peeing and pooping in her own yard. I walk her and take her to dog parks, but she never goes anywhere else. She did visit my home yesterday and we managed to get her to pee outside, but she then seemed to want to poo inside. We took her out right away, then she wouldn’t poo.

She is just over three months old. Working on socializing her more as she just completed all her vaccinations. We love her!

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mine goes a step further
by: Chuck

She will go in a 10 x 10 area in the back fenced yard, has never even peed in the front yard (though she walks around it daily)…… I am happy with her habit. :), Chuck

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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