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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Australian Shepherd Puppy Potty Training Woes

by Lisa
(Muncie, IN, USA)

I am new to the Aussie and he is only 10 weeks old and we have had him for just 2 weeks. We take him out about every hour, sometimes more. Every time he seems to sniff around, we take him out and he always urinates. Then he comes back in and 20 minutes later pees on the floor.

Every evening this goes on. He can be in his crate all night with no accidents but can't be out in the living room for 30 minutes without an accident.

It's real frustrating, any thoughts?

Comments for Australian Shepherd Puppy Potty Training Woes

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just wait
by: Neil Coy

I have a Miniature Aussie that I thought would never be trained. After months of work one day he went to the door and whined. It was like a light bulb had gone off in his head. He all of a sudden understood what he was supposed to do. That was eleven years ago and only one accident since and that was a day with a lot of excitement and my not paying attention to him. Hang in there they are worth the extra time it takes for some of them.

Potty trained
by: Anonymous

Reward, reward over and over again. Make sure you give it a name. At first, we constantly ask him "do you have to go peep peep?" It took him about a week to get it down. Also, don’t have any carpets he used to love to peep on, any carpet or rug. It will get better.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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