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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Australian Shepherd Puppy Stages

by Kylie Pelfrey
(New Castle, Indiana, United States)

Hi, I'm Kylie. I live in New Castle, Indiana and I got my Aussie, Millie when she was 6 weeks old. She is now 7 weeks old, and I was wondering what their growth rate is? When is she going to get bigger? She is going through her puppy stage when she wants to sleep all day and play all night. When will she actually sleep and not keep me up all night? I love her to death. These are the best dogs ever!!! :)

Questions About Your Aussie? Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Comments for Australian Shepherd Puppy Stages

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by: Nonnie / Dee Cutshall

She is beautiful!!!

What a Cutie!
by: Anonymous

Awwww, she's a cutie. Yes, I agree, Aussies are the best.
Anyway, about your question, just be patient and try your best to tire her out during the day (take her to puppy training classes, to the park, on long walks, to play with other dogs, etc.)

by: Nonnie / Dee Cutshall

We have two Aussies. When they were little they would sleep a lot, they were just babies. We would put them in their kennel for naps. At first they would nap for an hour then go out for potty and be back inside for play for about two hours. Their kennels are next to my bed. At night, when they woke up I would quietly tell them "no, it's time for night-night". I would take them out for potty at night about every four hours.

Gradually they began to take two naps a day much like babies. They are two now and usually take one nap for several hours.

You will need to keep Millie occupied when she is up so that at naptime she will take her naps and then play and sleep better at night.

Good luck with Millie. These are the best dogs ever.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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