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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Australian Shepherd Puppy With Diahrrea At Night

by Shawn Marie
(Las Vegas, NV)

Question. Did any of you experience puppy diarrhea at night time? My puppy has been having diarrhea. Today, this morning, and throughout the day it has been soft to firm and every 4 to 5 hours, but at night it is between every 1.5 hours and pure runs.

She doesn't est super late or drink water later to the night. I abhor waking up to piles in the crate and needing to wash her at 4:45 when I wake up.

I'm in need of advice. She is also shy of 5 months.


An exhausted puppy mommy

Comments for Australian Shepherd Puppy With Diahrrea At Night

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Puppy diarrhea
by: Anonymous

That does not seem normal at all, definitely not fun for you! Actually, it sounds like your pup may have a bacterial infection of some kind, or a sensitive stomach. I would contact your vet, get a stool sample, and perhaps review what you are feeding.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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