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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Australian Shepherd Rescue

Directory of Aussie Rescue Organizations
Find Australian Shepherd Rescue Organizations in your area.

Listings of Aussies in Need of Rescue (also Add a Listing Here)
Australian Shepherd Rescue Listings are provided as a free service.

Dog Fostering? How to Get a Foster Dog Adopted
Are you dog fostering or interested in fostering a dog? You can adopt out a rescue dog with this simple process.

When Dogs for Adoption Come Home
The other side of dog adoption: helping them transition to their new home.

Homeless Australian Shepherd in Need of Rescue

Thank you for considering an Australian Shepherd rescue dog in need of a loving forever home like yours!

Special Australian Shepherd Rescue Bulletin

Are You a Victim of Domestic Violence and
are You Also Afraid for the Safety of Your Dog?

If you are the victim of domestic violence and you have concerns for the safety of your pets — help is available. Those who harm or threaten to harm animals are demontrating their willingness to resort to violence. Even if you have not yet been assaulted if someone is threatening to or has harmed your pets you are in danger.

It is a difficult decision to leave while knowing your pets may be harmed in retaliation. However, there may be a program in your area that can help. For example the Calgary Humane Society offers a program to help you leave an abusive situation while also providing for the needs of your pets and protect them too.

The Humane Society's Pet Safekeeping Program "provides short-term housing at no charge for animals belonging to individuals in crisis due to family violence or abuse. The Pet Safekeeping Program offers safety planning and support to victims of domestic violence and other vulnerable individuals - providing a safe alternative to remaining in a situation that is dangerous to both themselves and their pets."

Of course it's good if you have family and freinds who can help but if you don't have that option contact your crisis shelter or social worker and ask if they can refer you to the Human Society's Pet Safekeeping Program.

If that program is not available in your area you may direct them to the Calgary Humane Society to learn about the program and consider starting one there.

For more information visit or contact your local shelter to find out if they offer a similar program in your area.

Nuvet Plus and Nuvet Hip & Joint Support

Australian Shepherd Rescue Organizations

Note: If you operate an Australian Shepherd Rescue organisation and it is not shown here please Contact Us so we can add your name to the list.

United States

Australian Shepherds Furever (Nationwide)  
Website | Facebook Page
Established in 2013, Australian Shepherds Furever (ASF) is a National Non-Profit 501(C)(3) Corporation dedicated to saving Australian Shepherds in need nationwide. With the focus of rescue-foster-adoption, ASF finds puppies and dogs, both mixed and purebred, in need across the continental United States. Their dedicated team of volunteer staff works tirelessly to locate Aussies in need of rescue and save them from shelters, deplorable living conditions or other undesireable circumstances. Once in their care, they offer them foster homes, medical care, training, rehabilitation, and all the attention and love they need to thrive again. When each Aussie is ready, they do their due diligence to find them their new, forever home with the perfect person or family.

Aussie Rescue of the Mid Atlantic (ARMA) (DC, MD, VA)  

Meet ARMA... We are a group of Aussie loving (and owning) volunteers in Virginia, Maryland and DC. Our number one goal is to find "Aussome" Aussies the perfect home. We met through our dogs and appreciate their unique and fun-loving personalities. We also know that Aussies are not for everyone. We've seen too many Aussies that were given up because of the wrong owner, the wrong time, the wrong expectations or the wrong training. Conversely, we've witnessed how the right owner, the right time, the right expectations and the right training will allow an Aussie to live the life it deserves.

Each of us has witnessed the joy of Aussie rescue and its many forms—the smile of an Aussie once released from a shelter; the affection shown when the dog senses it's cared for; the full wiggle butt when the perfect match is made; and the holiday card with the perfectly posed Aussie front and center.

We think of ARMA not as rescue, but as a community—a community of resources and support for Aussies and new owners. Our application and adoption process reflects these beliefs.  Both processes allow us to get to know you and work with you to find your Aussome Aussie we look forward to welcoming you to the ARMA community. ARMA works in DC, MD and VA.

Speak! for the Unspoken (OH / Mid-West)  
Website | Facebook Page
Speak! for the Unspoken is a 501(c)(3) charitable pet rescue located in the central Ohio area, but with fosters all over the mid-west. They are a foster based rescue, devoted to both animal rescue and education. They focus their rescue efforts on special needs animals, most often those with hearing and vision impairments. Most of the animals they save are double merle Australian Shepherds born with vision and/or hearing deficits due to inappropriate merle to merle breeding practices. They believe special needs dogs are capable of living happy and healthy lives, and they work to educate the public about these amazing animals.

Almost Home Herding Dog Rescue (VA and Surrounding States)  
Website | Facebook Group
Almost Home Herding Dog Rescue is a small volunteer group that focuses on rescuing and re-homing Border Collies, Australian Shepherds, Rough Collies, Corgis and mixes of these breeds. They also rescue an occasional non-herding breed in need of a new home. Their first priority is pulling dogs from shelters since their time is very limited, but if there's foster space, they will take dogs from people that can no longer provide proper care for them.

Colorado Herding Dog Rescue
Colorado Herding Dog Rescue is a Colorado-focused foster rescue for herding dogs, including Aussies, and have rescued over 120 herding dogs and puppies since they started in 2022. The organizers have saved over 750 dogs.

Aussie Rescue and Placement Helpline (ARPH)

Aussie Rescue of Southern California

Australian Shepherd Rescue in Michigan

Aussie And Me Animal Rescue FL

Lyles Memorial Aussie Rescue (LMAR) IN

New Spirit 4 Aussies - Serving The East Coast

NorCal Aussie Rescue

Our Aussie Rescue Listings Page

Australian Shepherd Rescue Listings on this website

Note: If you operate an Australian Shepherd Rescue organisation and it is not shown here please Contact Us so we can add your name to the list. Thanks. icon

Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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I want my dog to stop being aggressive.

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I want my dog to stop barking at everything.

I want my dog to walk nicely and calmly on the leash.

I want my dog to listen and come every time I call! icon
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