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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Australian Shepherd Tail

Are Australian Shepherd puppies born with a bobbed tail or is it cut?

Comments for Australian Shepherd Tail

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by: Kathy

What you have is what they come with..... It should not have been altered.... And they have their own personality. I have a Mini Australian Shepherd. Steele- blue merle, if you search his name a this site, there is a picture of him. I wouldn't change him for the world!

Aussie tails
by: Anonymous

Some aussies are born with naturally docked tails, however, most are not. Most aussies are born WITH a tail and the breeder will have them docked (along with dewclaws removed) at 3-5 days. After this time, it is no longer considered a docking but an amputation.

Aussie Tail
by: Nonnie

Most breeders will bob the tail just a few days after the birth. I have two Aussies and their tails are bobbed. I have only seen a few Aussie's that did not have the bobbed tail.

Enjoy your Aussie - they are the best dogs in the world!

tail docking - sad
by: Anonymous

Dogs communicate to other dogs and to us through their tails. It's really sad when they lose this means of communication.

Natural ?
by: Anonymous

There is nothing natural about NATURALLY DOCKED TAILS.

Mutilating puppies under guise
by: Diane + Others Care

It is so cruel to cut off tails, any length on these dogs! Can you even imagine the pain and shock a dog... newborn, 3 days old, or whatever would feel! How would anyone feel if their fingers, ears were cut as a baby! This is a cruel practice, as we know. Done to other breeds as well. Chopping tails, ears, declawing: cruelty! And for what? To fit into A haughty breeder or owner's "picture" of what the poor animal should look like! How demonic!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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