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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Australian Shepherds Are The Smartest Dogs Ever

by Skylar Marie Gott
(Remington, Indiana)

I just got a puppy last week and his name is Huck. He is a red-tri and is six weeks old. I have in the past have had two other Austrailian Sheperds before—one a blue merle named "Cash" and the other (puppy) a black-tri female, named "Rory." My brothers and sisters show cattle and around winter we went to Beef Congress (a big cattle show in Indianapolis). When we came back they were gone so we looked and looked for them and couldn't find them. I was soo sad that day and for a long time after. Austrailian Sheperds are... well I believe are the smartest dogs ever.

I could literally write a book about how smart they are. Just give them love and a good home... feed and water them and train them—they will be the best dog you will ever have.

Comments for Australian Shepherds Are The Smartest Dogs Ever

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Love Aussies but here’s a couple reasons they’re not top 10 in IQ
by: Kristina

I love Aussies and foster them for a rescue. I also foster Border Collies. And as smart as Aussies are, they do not come close to the Border Collie intelligence. Or the Poodle for that matter. They’re incredibly smart but they require closer to 20 reps to recall a new command whereas a Border Collie requires 1-2. The reason they’re considered not as "smart" is probably also because they’re bred for looks. Border Collies and some similar working dogs are bred for intelligence only. Breeding for looks waters down the breed’s intelligence. Just my two cents. Doesn’t diminish the intelligence or wonderful nature of the breed at all.

Aussies are smarter than the smartest dogs
by: Mark Cooper

Some people that meet Maggie recognize her breed right away. Some confuse her with a border collie. When she was a puppy a few folks thought she might be a Bernese Mountain Dog because of her markings as a Tri. When I tell folks that that Maggie is an Australian Shepherd they then give me a reassuring nod. I always end the conversation with the premiss that Aussies and the smartest dogs in the world and that as long as I live I will always have an Aussie in my life. There is no more loyal, loving, attentive, and beautiful dog in the world. They are not for everyone but for the person that understands that a dog is a part of the family and should be treated as such. The rewards are unmatched. As I write this, my little girl is curled up at my feet.

Aussie Smarts
by: JC

My Aussie, Roadie, came to us from a rescue org. At 18 months old and only 29 lbs as full size Aussie, I was touched with pity the day I adopted. Turns out he has given back much more to us. He is so smart! Learning commands comes easily for him. He is affectionate, playfull and very loyal. Roadie is now a healthy 50 lbs and my all time favorite dog. I understand your love of the breed and I am sorry for your lost dogs. I hope your Aussies make their way home.

Intelligent Aussies
by: Kary-Ann Suprono

I could not agree more... Australian Shepherds are very intelligent dogs!! They are also extremely sweet, devoted, loyal and loving who have an agenda of continually wanting to please!!! My husband and I currently have three, and we could never picture our life without "Aussome Aussies" always being a part of it!!! We love ours to pieces, and we so love this absolutely beautiful, unique, and wonderful breed of dog!!! :-) They are most definitely our "four-legged children", and if we have our way, they always will be!!! <3

by: Kathy

Aussies are super intelligent. Love this breed We have 4 and wish we were able to have more. Such sweet dogs.

my dogs
by: skylar gott

ya i wish i could get them back to but they've been gone for almost a year now :(

Aussie Intelligence
by: Anonymous

Yup, they really are! There's a book by Stanley Coren about dog intelligence. He ranked Aussies #42 and AVERAGE working intelligence. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Australian Shepherds are the best.

lost dogs
by: Marsha

I can't begin to imagine the loss of both of your Aussies. I hope who ever has them will see your post and return them to you. Maybe they were trying to help. I hope they are returned soon!

I agree
by: suzan

I agree. My aussie have just recently grown from 3 aussies to 4.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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