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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Baby On The Way With Aggressive Mini Aussie

by Thea
(Towson, MD)

Hi! We have an almost 3 year old Mini Aussie who we love dearly. Like many other Mini’s he does not do well with strangers. He will bark, growl and circle anyone he doesn’t know.

Once he gets to know someone he is a complete sweetheart (the way he is at home with us). We are now expecting our first child in November and I’m worried how he will be around her.

My husband thinks he will adjust but I’m nervous. He has never bitten anyone but his aggressive barking scares me. Anyone have success with this type of situation? Do you think he will adjust?

I can’t bare the thought of having to give him up.


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Aussie and new baby
by: Tammy

First off Congratulations on the new baby!!

We rescued a 1 1/2 year old Aussie many years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter (now 19). Our son was 3 1/2 at the time and the Aussie had never been around children and was scared of children so she was a little aggressive around them. She just needed a couple reminders that growling at our son was not going to be tolerated and she stopped. When I had my daughter she did not know what to make of her, any time she made a noise she was sticking her head in the crib rails to see what was making noise and if we did not go and get her when she cried the dog would continue to go back and forth from the our daughter to us until we went and picked her up.

In short she was never aggressive with the baby and was almost like her keeper. She never really was a kid dog (meaning she never played with them) but she was always their protector. And after the couple corrections in the beginning with our son she never growled at any children she would just go into a different room away from them if they had friends over so she wouldn't be bothered by them.

Mind you each Aussie is different but I don't think you will need to re-home her/him. Sidney was our first Aussie and has since passed away, we now have 3 Aussies in our home and each one has a different personality but one thing is true of all of them and that is that they are protective of their family. When the baby comes home make sure you introduce them and I think you will see everything will be fine.

Thank you!
by: Thea

Thank you! That’s such a relief to hear!!!

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