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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care


by Dawn
(Prospect, CT)

My Aussie Bandit, is the life of our family. I'm convinced he is a reincarnated human. He isn't my first Aussie, but they are truly individual in nature (meaning no two are the same.) If you're new to sharing your life with an Aussie, I'd say welcome to the world of the "smart dog!" It's a constant struggle of who's training who lol!

I've been successful at eradicating almost all bad behavior. Well... there is one annoying game he loves to play. He steals (careful what you name them) something important to you, and lets you chase him around the house. He almost always wins this game lol! I love him regardless of tattered socks. He's my constant companion, and I cherish everyday that Bandit is in my life.

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New Addition
by: Dawn


Thank's for all the replies. I enjoyed reading about everyone's experiences with this awesome breed. I wondered if someone can shed some light? We just added a new pup to our mix, and he's going to be a big boy. He's a Great Pyrenees, and Bandit was not half as excited to meet him. I think he feels slightly jealous of the newcomer, even though we have been sure to give Bandit plenty of attention. I did see something positive today, Bandit gave the puppy a kiss through the crate. I haven't let them interact yet because the puppy is so much smaller than Bandit. I wondered if anyone had experience adding a new puppy to a Aussie home. We had a Great Dane when we brought Bandit home, but that was different since he was the puppy. Our Dane passed away from from old age, and Bandit had been the only dog for the past eight months. I'm wondering the best way to let them meet outside the crates? Should I keep them on leads etc.,? Dawn

by: Anonymous

Hahaha! He's just like our Dundee. We discovered that whenever he has something particularly important, or fragile, if you get down on your knee and point to the floor and firmly direct him to give it to mumma (or daddy), ours will pretty quickly come over and deliver the booty.

Sometimes the command is put it down (pointing to the floor) or give it to daddy. Either way it works. If we fall into the chase game, it's never ending. I enjoy all the games, but sometimes the need to retrieve whatever he has is too important to play games.

Good name!
by: Elizabeth

You've given him the perfect name due to the black markings around his eyes. My Aussie, Josie, also has "bandit" eyes. If she were a male we would have named her Zoro. Bandit also has beautiful eyes and a pretty blaze.

You are SOOO Right!
by: Laura

No two Aussies are ever alike and they are the smartest dogs ever. I had Borders when I grew up, they are smart, but the Aussie has a more loving personality as well as a quick wit. I have two sisters now that are SO different, one funny and always smiling and the other quieter and more reserved, but both love to meet new people and at two years old I have no trouble with them at all. You are right, they can easily be your everything. My husband is in love with both of them as well and my five year old wouldn't be without his Candy, the more reserved one that always sticks by his side no matter where he goes. Cookie is more my shadow.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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