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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Barking At One Family Member

by Nikki

We just rescued an Australian Shepherd. Before bringing her home, my fiance and I visited her at the Humane Society everyday for a week to spend a few hours with her outside. During this time she never barked once. She was very friendly and eager to approach and be petted by strangers walking by.

We brought her home yesterday. We have two other female roommates and one male roommate. She is fine with the girls though she prefers to follow me or my fiance. The problem is she sometimes barks at our male roommate. She is usually ok when he is in the room. She is wary of him but doesn't bark. When he starts to leave the room she jumps up after him and starts barking at him. We can't figure out why and would like some tips on how to train her out of this behavior.

Aussie Behavior Problems? Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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Barking at Family Member
by: Anne do not know what she has gone through before you got her. Maybe someone that looks like your male room mate, had done something to her. You just have no way of knowing.
Do this. Get some treats, and let him feed her the treats and talk to her in a calm happy voice. She is still getting used to her new surroundings...give her time and she will realize he will not hurt her.
Just give her lots of love and praise, but I would correct her when she barks at him. Say "no" or make a noise and then physically go get her by the collar.
Hope this helps and if you need something else, please e-mail me.

Anne Calmes
Gold Ring Aussies
Louisiana, USA

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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