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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Barking At Other Dogs And In Their Face - Herding? How To Control Behavior

by Pam

I recently adopted a 1.5 year old Mini Aussie, and from what I can tell, he has not been socialized. I have another dog that is extremely social. He goes to the dog park daily, and has many dates with dog-friends throughout the month. I took my Mini (Darby) to the dog park this morning, and boy did he go off! He was barking at other dogs, in their faces, etc. I am worried that his instability will get him in a dog fight at a park. Any tips as to corral my herder into not doing this vocal behavior? I have already seen an improvement with him and dog socialization in general, but I am worried that his (herding???) will get him in trouble. Any suggestions?

Questions About Your Aussie? Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Comments for Barking At Other Dogs And In Their Face - Herding? How To Control Behavior

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I'd like to know this too
by: Tracy

I too have a herder who likes to incessantly bark at other dogs when "playing". If the dog stops playing, my dog barks at it - a lot. It's almost like she's shouting, "play! play! play!" at the other dogs.

The only thing I've been able to do is redirect her attention and tell her "no bark", or get the other dog to play. This helps in the short term but is there a fix for it in the long term.

by: Jenny

I am having the exact problem with my Frenchie/Puggle. He barks right in the other dogs' face until the dog starts running again. Unfortunately, this annoyance tactic of his usually works so, in his mind the barking is working out great! Has anyone found a solution????

Barking in other dogs faces
by: Anonymous

What is the answer to that

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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