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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Best Companion For An Australian Shepherd

I was wondering what breed would get along best with my Aussie, besides another Aussie. Though I love the breed, mine is extremely shy around strangers and I would like a breed that is known for being friendly, even to strangers but also active enough to keep up with my boy.

Comments for Best Companion For An Australian Shepherd

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meet the parents
by: jcrply

My Aussie is extremely friendly to everyone. When she was just 3 weeks old I met the puppies' parents. The parents are friendly dogs; the father is a therapy dog. So there are very friendly Aussies out there. You can get an idea of an Aussie's temperament from observing the parents. If you adopt an adult Aussie from an Aussie Rescue, then you will know your new dog's personality. My dog's best playmate ever was another Aussie. Aussies seem to have their own playing style. Golden Retrievers are wonderful dogs, but they seem puzzled and upset by the high speed running and body slamming of Aussies. But that's just my experience with two Goldens.

by: Neil Coy

Your's is unusual in my opinion. Jasper (5 year old) is the oppisite. He loves everyone, maybe too much.

Best Companion
by: Anonymous

I got an Aussie and an Lab when they were 6 weeks old (same day). They are great friends. I sometimes feel a bit sorry for the Lab because the Aussie does run her ragged. My Lab is on the lazy side (when she can get away with it). Pick a high energy dog so the pressure if off you!

by: Gayle

Other breeds of dogs do not play the same way that Aussies do with herding games. Mine are also very friendly with them being therapy dogs. You need a breeder who will help you pick a pup that will be more outgoing and who exposes the pups to all kinds of people and situations. Socialization is so important to puppies, especially Aussies.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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