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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Best Time To Neuter Male Aussie

by Rosemary
(Washington State)

I have a 10 month old Tri colored Aussie male. When should we neuter him? The vet said is good to wait until he is 14 months, but he is getting very pushy and biting. Our trainer said get him neutered. Overall a very good dog and we have worked with him alot, but some days he is frustrated because he does not want to respond to a command on the leash and will get very aggressive biting mostly my husband. He is lifting his leg peeing on everything outside and heavy humping. We are trying to decide if the behavior problems will get out of hand over the next 6 months outweighs problems with development in joints and early cancer if we get him neutered now.

Any thoughts would help.


Comments for Best Time To Neuter Male Aussie

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by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

Your pup would most likely be pushy at this stage if he were neutered, too. It's the age. He is a teenager. I really suggest more exercise at this point. Lots of running to get off that excess energy and he will be more likely to listen. Boys tend to get this way more than the girls. If he were my dog, I would wait. The incidence of hemangiosarcoma is so high – 5x greater risk – in early neuters. If you ever had a dog die from this horrendous disease, you would wait. I had one of my boys neutered at 11 months and he died suddenly from hemangiosarcoma at 10. He was such a wonderful dog. So sweet and he just dropped dead. Buchanan was featured on a Animal Planet show for his work in animal assisted therapy. My friend's Sheltie just passed away from the same disease at 11. He was neutered at 4 months. Maybe you would want to consider taking your dog for more training at this point. Get him into agility. Aussies love it! Burns off that energy.

Re: When to Neuter
by: Anonymous

My vets have always said spay/neuter at 6 months of age, unless there seems to be a problem. This includes: improper humping, aggression, biting, marking etc. in this case neutering/spaying earlier. They also recommend having the usual blood work done beforehand to avoid any unforeseen problems.

My Aussie
by: Anonymous

I have a 1 year old male Aussie and he is also very pushy but aussies don’t normally grow out of thier puppy stage for about 2 years, mine is very hyper so if your is the same way then if you get him neutered anytime soon he will stay that way and never grow out of his puppy stage, so I recommend waiting until your dogs calms down a little more so he’s a little more mature and will be like that for the rest of his life

Neuter when?
by: Anonymous

No one talks about growth plates. I'm going to get my Miniature Aussie x-rayed, and when the growth plates are closed, get him neutered.

Australian Shepherd
by: Lisa

I have a male Aussie. He is just barely 1 and a half. I’ve done extensive research on when is the right time to neuter. We have had a German Shepherd, who was neutered at 6 months at the advice of our vet, due to the breed being aggressive. He did calm. However, he also developed severe hip dysplasia at 5 years. He lived to be 12, however, he was heavily medicated from age 5 on. He was in top physical condition. NOT heavy. We then got a Alaskan Malamute. Beautiful dog. Had him neutered at 10 months. Perfect health, but developed bone cancer. Broke our hearts. We then got an Aussie. He’s perfect. We decided to wait until he was a year and a half to let his joints and bones grow. So glad we did. Hoping it’ll lengthen his life.

Aussie lived to 16 and 17
by: Anonymous

Have had Aussies the last twenty-five years. My first lived to 17 and he was neutered at 6 months, second, neutered at 6 months lived to 16. Both I just had to put down due to their hips giving out. Now have another Aussie pup, going to wait to over a year, but don't know of many Aussies reaching 16-17 anyway. Both that are now gone had extremely healthy lives. I do limit heavy jumping the first year though when possible.

Any ideas
by: Anonymous

We have a Mini Aussie. Was neutered at 15 months. He now seems to be more aggressive to our 11 year old female she is spayed. Any ideas why this would change after being neutered? We love our Aussie. Our female is a Boxer/Lab mixed. Any suggestions?

Thank you

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