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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Better To Have One Or Two Aussies?

by Dianne
(Pflugerville, TX)

We currently own one Aussie, an 11 month old male. We may eventually want to get another dog but weren't sure if this is the right time. When is a good time to get another dog? Is getting another Aussie a good idea or should we get another breed? Do Aussies do better with a companion? Thank you for any advice you can give!

Comments for Better To Have One Or Two Aussies?

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yes, do
by: Wilda

this is a great time to get another Aussie, he's 11 months you say, so he's still a pup, but still playful enough, and house trained. Also, he wil be the Alpha(or big brother) so he can help you teach/train the new one; wether you get a new born pup or a year old. Yes, a companion is always a good idea for most animales, especially dogs, unless you see that yours prefers to be alone(isn't social). If and when you do, keep us posted. do you have a picture of your boy now?

by: Anonymous

We had a Mini-Aussie who died a year ago. It was unexpected and very traumatic. She was one week shy of her first birthday. I thought I would never get over her. I cried for weeks. One thing I knew for sure was that I would get another Mini-Aussie as soon as I could.

When we decided to get another one I searched for a breeder near us. I found a great breeder in our state. She is terrific.

We got only one as that is what we had before. However, in just a few months, we could see that she was getting bored and needed a companion. At the time, we could not do that, so we just exercised and played with her more. A month or so later, we were able to get her half sister. Our blue-eyed, blue merle Mini-Aussie, Bailee, is now 15 months old. She weighs about 30 lbs and is 17" inches at the shoulder. Our black-tri Toy Aussie, Maggie, is 14 months old. Maggie weighs about 18 lbs and is 13" at the shoulder.

They play together all the time. It is so fun to watch them run side by side from one end of the yard to another, and chase each other, play hide and seek and "wrestle" on our bed. We love them so much!!!

I hope you decide to get a second one. If you live in Texas check out Southern Star Aussies.
She lives in Winona Texas and has an ad on this site under Breeder Directory: Mini-Aussie Breeders.

Update on Question
by: Dianne

We ended up deciding to get a 12 month old female aussie companion for our current aussie. We have had her for almost two months now and I have no regrets with getting the second. With two dogs now with similar age, weight, energy level, and temperament the first dog is a completely different dog. He no longer has behavioral problems (chewing, constant need for attention, etc.). I am able to come home from work now and they are already worn out from running and playing all day. I think this situation worked out well because they are the same breed and similar in age. They can keep up with each other all day! While I was worried that getting a second dog would be more work, it really hasn't been.

Anyway, just wanted to give an update! Thanks for everyone's advice! We are so happy to now have two aussies!

by: Anonymous

that is awesome, so glad it all worked out for you and them.
We got our toy Aussie after our [Australian Shepherd] boy, Luke , died at age 5 from Epilepsy. Unfortunately. we thought it woul be good for our 2 ear old Chi, but not so much. I guess inpart because its not the same breed, and its 2 boys(not to mention the Chi is very dominant)its not going as well. I'm hoping and praying that it will get better eventually. it's been 3 months, and our Aussie is only 5 months old, so he is extremely playful, and teething.

Two Aussie Puppies
by: Cheryll

Wanted to get folks to weigh in on getting two aussies a month apart. We are experienced with Aussies and very structured on housebreaking, training and excercise. These will be a male and female - they will be spayed and neutered - and my husband is retired but active and can spend time swimming and hiking with both. That's the good side - I've heard about agression, seperation anxiety, and also where the puppies don't gain their own personality. Help! We have the first puppy and he's coming along well - now I'm torn about moving ahead with the second puppy.

Similar Situation
by: Ethan Gilham

Hello all, me and my family came across someone selling Aussie puppies that were 10 weeks old and we ended up getting two. My sister was getting ready to move from California to Texas at the time. So she took one of them (a boy) with her. And we took the other one with us (a girl).

They are both about 3 and a half months old.

However, my sister (due to some issues) had to come back home and live here. Now after being away from each other for about a month and a half to two months (not sure exactly). They are reunited. We love having pets, but aren't extremely experienced as dog owners. (We had a Golden Retriever when I was young; died of old age/and a German Shepherd mix that got cancer)

Anyways, the two puppies SEEM to be doing fine. They are constantly playing, and wrestling around.

This is what I am unsure about though. While it looks playful I am wondering if anything else is going on. I feel like it might be possible that the girl that has been here the whole time is trying to express her ownership of the home. They both are biting at each others ears/neck/hips/paws.

Not growling at all or anything that seems like they are actually mad at one another. Occasionally the boy will yelp and that's what makes me think the girl is being very aggressive.

I made this post long enough so I'll just please ask for your opinions and questions.

Puppy Playmates
by: Anonymous

We have regular playdates with one of the other puppies in the litter, and have seen all the same behaviors you described - it's normal, if not a little disconcerting at times. The only caution I've heard re having two puppies is that they bond with each other more than with you, so training / obedience may be an issue.

Two aussies
by: Anonymous

We went for two. Big brother is doing the biting and jumping for attention but so far so good. Lots of work but think we will be ok.

Time for another Aussie?
by: Larkin

We have a 3-year old mini. We live on 9 acres and she pretty much goes everywhere with us, such a perfect companion. We are contemplating getting another Aussie puppy. Good idea, bad idea? We can decide. We think she would benefit from a buddy. But we don't want her to feel like we sold her out and create a problem. Help! She is incredibly well disciplined and behaved as well as well-adjusted. She sleeps in bed with us. :)

should we get a male or female companion, puppy or same age?
by: Anonymous

We have a 5 year old male aussie... who some times seems envious of relationship. Should we get a male a female, younger or same age?

Potty training
by: Anonymous

We adopted a 12-week old Aussie female to join our 4 yr old Aussie female. They get along fine although the younger tries to be dominant. We are having issues with potty training the younger which is now 6 months old. Never peeing in the house but only pooping. She goes outside most of the time but if I don't hit it right she just poops in the house. I don't get it....Physical issues maybe? We are having her evaluated later this week to see if something is wrong. Suggestions? She gets LOTS of outside time.

Get a 2nd Aussie or not?
by: Lori

We have a 8-week old miniature Aussie male that is the light of our life. But, we also see that he is very lonely during the day. Would it be a good idea to get a second miniature Aussie? If so, male or female? Any help you can give us is appreciated.

We got another!
by: Anonymous

We have two and it's great! I don't know how to send a picture but would be happy to if I was directed. Thanks!

I'm wondering about that too!
by: Amanda

I am in a similar boat-- I have an 18month old Aussie-- he is a great dog, but he whimpers and whines to go play with the neighborhood dogs constantly -- so I am considering getting another. (I also would love another; its not just my dog that wants one!)

Here's my one fear (I would love advice!) -- I have a yard that isn't fenced, so I couldn't just put them out in the yard to play-- with the one it works ok because I walk, hike, or run him-- and/or let him socialize (aka wrestle) the neighbors dog-- at least 3 times a day-- he is alone inside my house while I go to work-- I usually give him something to chew when I leave and hes happy. We have a good system worked out! I am terrified that a second might mess up our system and/or cause exercise mayhem- if I get a puppy, could we incorporate this little one into our routine? My dog gets a LOT of attention and is a terrific dog-- could a second dog change him or mess up his good behavior (ie could he get jealous?)
Appreciate any advice!! thanks

Two Aussies vs. One
by: Tony

Good afternoon. On the subject of whether it is better to have one or two dogs. We had our oldest mini-Aussie for a little over a year and decided to get a second male as a companion. One thing we didn't consider is how the 18 month old would be jealous of a new pup. He actually went through a bit of depression because of the attention that the pup was getting. We have had the new mini-Aussie for over two months now and the older one is becoming more accepting, but it may take a while. Overall I believe the second dog was a good idea but our older one sure misses being the focal point of all of the attention.

2 aussies
by: kathy

I have a 3 year old neutered male aussie who is very stuck on me and sleeps on my bed. I am wanting to add a new aussie baby. Is this wise? and where does the pup sleep? and how to confine when I am at work?

Another aussie
by: Anonymous

We have a 10 year old male Aussie and I would like to get another one? Does this breed work better with another male since she's male or female? And he's 10 years old would he be ok with a puppy?

2nd Aussies
by: Anonymous

I got a second Aussie (female) when my male aussie was about 14months old. I debated a lot before doing it (I was worried 2 would be way too crazy), but it turned out to be a great choice! My older aussie immediately loved the new puppy and was sweet and gentle with her. Now they still play frequently - they are 3 and 2years old respectively- and the older guy seems so much happier since getting the second one.
They do still need lots of exercise and attention- but they entertain each other when I'm busy or cant be home- the main difference I've seen is that the older guy does better when I'm not home.
(And of course I completely love her!)
14months apart has been perfect- they both have pretty similar play and exercise needs at this point, and they have so much fun playing I cant imagine not having gotten the second one now!
Good luck!

Two Aussies - Always a great idea.
by: GF Aussie Fan

We have always had two Aussies. Dogs are a pack animal and I can't see leaving a dog home alone while we are at work or involved in our other activities that aren't dog appropriate.
We have always had a male and female, they have always been rescue dogs and we have always had well suited pairs. Just be sure to introduce before you adopt, let them spend some time together, and take them on a pack walk. That's the best way to determine if there are going to be any issues.
We recently lost our 11 year old female (blue merle) to liver cancer and our male (red tri) is going to be 14 soon. We are going to let him live out his life as the beloved only dog.
When we are ready, we will again find TWO new four legged friends to share our home with.

Advice on keeping two dogs or not
by: Anonymous

We brought home two female mini aussies that are sisters. They are now 11 months old. Together they have ate a hole out in our gator seat, bout destroyed our yard with digging etc. we live on a farm so they are out of their pens all day. We put them back in the pen at night. So they get lots of exercise. We are thinking of separating them and giving one to a friend. Don’t know what to do. Do you think it is a good idea to split them up since they have been together from birth or not?

by: Anonymous

What are your thoughts on getting brother and sister Aussies?

We did it
by: Anonymous

We are a very active family, did our research and decided an Aussie was a good fit. We are runners and wanted to be able to train them for running, we started with our blue merle boy who is insanely smart, even with all the activity he gets he still wanted our constant attention, this is a tireless breed for anyone considering an Aussie, they are family oriented and not equipped to spend the day in a crate, so if that’s what you’ll need to do you may consider another breed. We always knew we would get a second Aussie, but did it earlier than expected for the companionship, when our blue was 9 months old we brought our red merle into the family, he's the devil incarnate lol, we joke if we had him first we may not of gotten the second. That being said the 2 play and play together, we do not regret getting the second so quickly, I’m not sure I would get 2 puppies at the same time. They will bond to each other instead to you.

Toy aussies
by: Jeanette

I currently have a neutered 3-year-old female, Tri Toy Aussie. We thought it would be a good idea to get her a companion, so we now have a 9-week-old male Toy. Is there any way we can help our 3-year-old accept the puppy? We have continued to shower her with the same affection as we always have, even going a little overboard lately. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank You

Add sibling from next litter. Yes? No?
by: Judy

Help. I have a 8-month-old Aussie. She’s amazing. I have an opportunity to add her 8-week-old brother (obviously next litter) to our family. Do I take advantage of her being able to spend her life with an actual sibling? Or is she too young to even consider adding another? Comments please.

2 males together
by: Amy

Hello, we have a neutered 15 month Aussie. We are wanting to add an 8 wk old akc male to our home in a couple of weeks and he will not be neutered. We will use him for stud when he is of age of course. He has an excellent bloodline. Any suggestions on whether we should go thru with already having a male in the home? Thanks in advance for your help!!!

Do we dare get another in our condo
by: Glenda

Toby is now two. We are older and live in a condo. Although we do our best to keep Toby entertained I can see he gets bored. Would a sister or brother same size help or make thing worse?

Father and Son
by: Anonymous

We recently found out our male 1-year-old red merle Aussie (very handsome) had a girlfriend at doggie daycarea beautiful Collie/German Shepherd Mix, and she had his puppies! We ran into her owner at the dog park and they are now 8 weeks old and only 3 left all male, they look just like their dad, we are going to bring one home but we are concerned if two males will get along, Blue (the dad), is very friendly with all dogs and has been socializedsince he was 4 months old and loves playing. We have a big yard and all set up for dog life.

Any thoughts on this? I think it will be great, father and son.

Littermate Syndrome Warning
by: AussieMom

I saw a couple of comments that alluded to it.

We had a 5 month old aussie girl that we loved and could tell was in want of a companion, something we couldn't fill. So I was led to get her a 3 month old aussie as her brother. They played wonderfully together, but I couldn't help but feel like something was off.. as if they were limiting one another's potential, let alone limiting their bond with us. I then found out about "littermate syndrome," (definitely research it), which can happen with any pair of pups that are within a year old of one another (with one being under a year of age). Sure enough, it spoke to the feelings I was having. There are also concerns of it worsening overtime, turning overly aggressive, or just becoming overly codependent. At first we did our best to mitigate things, separate them except for play time, give them lots of individual attention/walk/training (both together and apart)/adventures, etc. It helped, but it was just a lot to handle and wasn't 100% effective.

Thank God it seemed this younger pup was meant to go to our adult daughter all along and he has now found a happy home with her! We have regular playdates.

However, though I do believe two is best for these active and social breeds, having an age gap of minimum 1 year to maybe 3 seems best. That way they have similar energy levels, but still the oldest has time to establish a bond with you so that it is easier to establish that with a second pup when they come in.

We are getting ready to adopt a pup a year younger than her now, so we'll test my words!


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