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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Beware of Flea and Tick Products

by Nancy
(Green Bay,WI)

As the flea and tick season approaches, please be aware that the products to treat these terrible critters can be harmful or even fatal to some dogs. Rudy, our beautiful 6 year old Aussie gets seizures from Frontline Plus. Evidently others are having problems with it too. See the online articles about this. As of today, Rudy has not had a full blown seizure for 5 months. However at times he does get very anxious and paces the floor. I know this is because of Frontline Plus. Please be careful with these flea and tick products. It is heartbreaking to see your beautiful Aussie in a seizure. It doesn't have to be the first time they are given this product but it seems to come on as the months roll by. Just be careful!!!

Comments for Beware of Flea and Tick Products

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Bad rxn with Frontline
by: Anonymous

My Aussie developed neurologic symptoms after the second application of Frontline (ataxia, circling, drooling) - I noticed this immediately and scrubbed all medication off. He has made a full recovery. BTW our other Aussie who is similarly bred had no issues with Frontline. I am very hesitant to use any products now.

by: Anonymous

Anyone use a Seresto flea collar? Thoughts?

It Is the Frontline!
by: Anonymous

To whoever said 'it's not the frontline' -- you are dead wrong. I've had an Aussie have multiple seizures on it until we figured out the association between the application of Frontline and the onset of seizures. And she had been using it for years. It is not safe.

It's not the Frontline Plus
by: Anonymous

Frontline Plus does not contain ingredients that would cause seizures. Epilepsy is common in Aussies, your dog probably developed epilepsy.

Have Your Dog Tested for the MDR1 Mutation
by: Anton

It is important to keep in mind that just because some else's dog was able to tolerate a given drug does NOT mean that it is safe for your dog. Your dog may have the MDR1 mutation making it much more sensitive to MANY drugs. You can get info on having your dog tested here. -- If you are not in the USA check the "FAQs" page for info on testing in other countries.

Frontline Plus does not contain ivermectin...
by: Anonymous

Frontline Plus does not contain ivermectin. And, while SOME Aussies cannot tolerate ivermectin (along with a long list of other drugs), many are fine with it. You can either avoid ivermectin (as well as all of the other drugs) completely or get your dog tested for the MDR1 mutation (or figure out of your pup is clear by parentage).

I do not know much about whether or not Frontline Plus is good or bad - just wanted to clear up the ivermectin thing!

Frontline Plus
by: Nonnie

It is probably the Ivermectin. Aussie's typically can't take Ivermectin. Our breeder told us to use Program Plus It works great and is safe.

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