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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Boundary Help

I have a 2 year old Aussie named Puzzle who we just acquired a month ago. The issue we have is our village does not allow fences. The breeder we secured him from had a large fenced in area for all her Aussies, and since we got Puzzle we've tried everything short of an electric fence to keep him in the yard. Flags, bright yellow rope lines, bottles with small pebbles tossed on the ground if he should go near the line, etc.

Any ideas would be seriously considered.

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by: Anonymous

I've had an Aussie on an Invisible Fence for six years. Works great. They don't get shocked because they learn where the boundary is. They can't dig under it because it's already buried. I like it better than a regular fence.
It's not cruel in any way and is a whole lot better than getting hit by a car.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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