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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Breaker - Our Miracle Dog

by Andy Polizzi
(Monrovia, CA)

Our seven-year-old blue merle Breaker suffered a serious eye injury several months ago, a tear in the cornea that extended into the retina. The eye specialist we took him to recommended surgery but with no guarantee that he wouldn't lose the eye anyway. We were heart-broken but chose to medicate his eye instead and over the next five weeks he was forced to wear a soft-cone collar, be crated when we weren't home, and completely limit his activities; in addition he was subjected to numerous eyedrop treatments daily. He was so wonderfully patient, such a good boy, that over the five-week period his eye fully healed. At his last visit the vet said she had never seen anything like it, that Breaker was truly a miracle dog. He is now back to normal, walking daily, playing in the yard, wrestling with his constant companion, our golden retriever Maddie Rose. We are very relieved and thankful.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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