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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Breeding Black Tri and Blue Merle Tri Australian Shepherd

by Journie Fisher

I have a blue merle tri and I was wanting to breed him with a black tri, but the mom of the black tri was a blue merle and the mom of mine was a blue merle. Does that mean we can't breed because of the risk of deaf and blind pups? Since there are three merles in the mix?

Picture for reference. He doesn’t sit still. LOL

Comments for Breeding Black Tri and Blue Merle Tri Australian Shepherd

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by: Anonymous

Because your tri's mom was merle there's a good chance he has the merle gene in him as well, which yes could lead to double merle puppies which can be born blind and/or deaf.

Mine had a red merle dad and a tri-colored Aussie/Husky mom and she came out high white blue merle, and she's missing the mirrors around her pupils that reflect the light into her eyes which is most likely from her mom having the merle gene.

by: Anonymous

Merle is dominant. It's there or it isn't. Grandparent's colors don't matter a whit. It can't hide out and affect generations down the line. If one parent is solid, no homozygous merles no matter if ALL the grandparents for 5 generations back were merles.

Only exception would be the rare case where your tri is actually a cryptic merle. Rare but it happens, a merle so dark it appears solid. They can run genetic tests for the merle gene.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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