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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Can Anyone Recommend A Good Shampoo For Australian Shepherds?

by Hannah

Can anyone recommend a good shampoo for my Aussie mix? I feel like it’s so hard to rinse the shampoo out of her hair. I've always had short-haired small dogs so I’m always googling questions about Aussies.

Any tips and tricks are much appreciated!

Comments for Can Anyone Recommend A Good Shampoo For Australian Shepherds?

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by: Anonymous

Earthbath All Natural Pet Shampoo - Oatmeal and Aloe.

Note from Anton: You can find it on Amazon here.

Dr. Bronner's
by: jcrply

I use Dr. Bronner's Pure Castile Liquid Soap. Great for dogs, rinses easily. Great for people too.

How about... NO shampoo
by: Anonymous

My vet said to NEVER wash/shampoo an Australian Shepherd. Ours had fleas just before we got him and the owner shampooed him to kill the fleas. He developed a case of dermatitis bad enough to require meds for 2 weeks. So, we do NOT bathe him at all and he does not itch nearly as much as he did before.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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