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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Causes Of Limping In Front Leg

by Tim
(Ft. Wayne, IN)

I am trying to figure out what could be wrong with my Aussie's front right leg. She is 6 y/o and has been in excellent health so I am probably blowing this out of proportion. I took her out to play ball and run around for a while. She showed no sign of injury while fetching and wasn't until later that night that she started to limp. This morning she would not put any pressure on it but when I went to check it out she didn't flinch with pain. There is no sign of swelling and nothing abnormal when I compared it to her left leg. I asked an online vet and he said to give her 1 aspirin every 12 hours. After about an hour of that being in her system, she started putting some weight on it. I wanted to see if anyone on here has experienced something similar or maybe has a better idea of what it could be.

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been ther
by: Anonymous

yes, our older girl has done that several times through the years. sometimes it just last a day, and then she's fine. my husband thinks, like people, sometimes they could pull a muscle or something like that. if it last more than a few days, or gets worst, then if you want, take her to the vet, but otherwise, just wait and watch. I know its odd, but it happens.

limping pup
by: Donna

my pup is 9 months old has a limp doesn't seem to bother her but doesn't ever really go away. it's the front leg. hoping she'll out grow out of it. my vet said it probably was hereditary. when she is two she might need an operation. not a great way for a pup to live. hope it goes away..

Watch it
by: Julie

Exact same thing happens to my Aussie and he’ll be 7 in August. We completely stopped Frisbee because he injured himself jumping for it, plus jumping is hard on their joints. So it’s just been Chuckit! ball throws and walks. Today after a walk (did involve small hill and chasing a squirrel into the bushes) he came home with a hurt right front limp. I’m going to keep him off the stairs and watch it.

Aussie limping
by: Kathryn

My five-year-old Aussie has been doing that off and on since he was eight months old. One time we took him to the vet because he wouldn't walk on it. As soon as we got him there, he acted fine. As soon as we got home, he was limping again. SMH. But he's been limping again. I've got him on Rimadyl which seems to help. Aspirin didn't help the inflammation or whatever it is. The vet now just gives me a prescription for Rimadyl so whenever it flares up, I have it on hand.

Limping Lady
by: Anonymous

I found this so interesting. I was searching Australian Shepherd limping. Our girl does it all the time. She is 2 now and does it every couple of months. The very first time, we waited 2 days, only because my husband kept telling me to wait it out. I, of course, wanted to run right to the vet. Well after days of heartache watching her limp around and just look pathetic, I took her to the vet. Wouldn't you know she jumped right out of the car and pranced around without a care? I just stared laughing. They took a look, but didn't even charge me because it was clear she was fine when we got there. (Love my vet.) I searched because right now, silly girl is intermittently limping front right and rear left. And then sometimes it's like she forgets to limp for a few moments and we think she's acting for the special attention and treats. It does go away in an average 4 days.

Paw Check
by: Anonymous

Check the paw for sticker burrs.

by: Anonymous

My Aussie does this every time she gets out to run more than usual. At first I was concerned, but she showed no signs that she was in pain (other than the limping). I have decided that she's probably just a bit like her mom, old, fat and out of shape. LOL. She is a 5 year old and weighs around 80 lbs. More of a family pet than anything, so doesn't get as much exercise as she should. So, when she does get out to run, she will limp on her right front leg every time. How long it lasts depends on how long and hard she ran.

Limping on right front leg
by: Anonymous

My 5 year old Aussie has started lifting his right front leg and running around on three legs. I feel so bad for him. We took a burr out from between his toes but still limps. I have checked his paw, his shoulder joint his leg putting major pressure on to see if in pain. He has no pain. Has now been 2 weeks. Glad to hear aspirin ok. Vet recommends Carprofen - $52 a bottle. Yikes.

Puppy limping
by: Pat

My 6 mo old boy Mini Aussie also started limping his front right leg after about 20 minutes of vigorous ball chasing. He tears off to chase a ball about 75 feet, and then when he trots back he’s got a slight limp. I stopped and tried to get him to settle and rest. He didn’t seem bothered. It was indoors so no burrs or anything. Maybe just too many stops and turns for young limbs? If he walks he’s not limping, but the trot definitely had him favoring a leg. I don’t want to do any damage to his young bones/ muscles, but he loves to play and needs exercise. I did switch to dribbling a soccer ball around just about 2 feet at a time and he "herded it" back to me. Glad to see from most of these comments that it’s likely nothing serious.

But I’ll keep a watch anyway. After all, these dogs are supposed to be the herding, agility type dog, which involves a lot of running and changes in direction… but he’s still young.

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