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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Chewing on Drywall

by Colin

My 5 month old Mini Aussie has started chewing on the drywall in our house. I caught him once. His little nose got swatted, he was told NO, BAD DOG!... and he was put outside. He didn't do it again for about 4 weeks. Then tonight I saw another spot. He has more than enough "DOG CHEW" toys. Has anyone else had this problem? Any suggestions to stop this problem?


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He needs toys and a job
by: Anonymous

Just because there are a bunch of toys laying around does not mean that your dog is interested in them. You should have a handful of different puzzle/treat dispensing toys which you rotate daily. Don't leave them down once he is done with them, that way when he sees one he will associate it with treats and a challenge. Even his normal toys and chews should be rotated every few days so that he does not become bored with them.

Try giving him a job to do when you are home also (but make sure that it is something that you can live with). A friend of mine had four pairs of socks and every night after dinner would hide the individual socks throughout the house. Ral knew that he had eight socks and would go searching for the eight socks. He would bring each sock to them (while they watched tv or chatted or whatnot), get a little treat, then go to find another sock.

Your puppy is still young and will need mental and physical stimulation to ensure that he learns proper outlets for his energy as he matures. If you are unable to monitor or engage with him, you should probably put him in his crate to prevent destructive, and potentially dangerous, behavior.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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