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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Choking Or Breathing Troubles

by Wilda

My Cooper is one years old now, lately he's been throwing up his water (when he drinks it too fast, or its too much) but why now? And my most concern, is lately he's been gasping for breath or something that sounds like that, not everyday, but once in awhile. Has anyone else experienced this? What could be causing this? I already lost one Aussie to epilepsy last year, I don;t think I can go through this again.

Comments for Choking Or Breathing Troubles

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by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

Encourage your dog to drink smaller amounts. 1 year old Aussies are just so very excitable and he is just drinking too fast.
The other noise is probably a "reverse sneeze". You will want to ask your vet about it, but it is usually harmless. I know it sounds terrible, but the sound is worse than the condition.

Choking/Breathing trouble
by: Anne

Have you had a vet check out his trachea/wind pipe. There was an aussie that I bred that ended
up having a narrow trachea and he grew older to a year old it got worse. He would turn blue when he
would exercise.
I would just a vet check your aussie out thoroughly.

Anne Calmes
Gold Ring Aussies
Louisiana, USA

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