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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Clicker Training Question

I'm training my dog, Lady, using the clicker training method. She is 7 years old and smart. At the moment I'm teaching her to watch me so that it is easier for her to stay focused on what we are doing later on in the training.

I also want her to finally learn to heel properly by watching me because it is very hard to pull on the leash while trying to watch someone, but whenever we are on our walks and I try to click for any good behavior she is doing but she doesn't even notice if I try to give her a treat. She is too concentrated on moving forward that it is impossible to get her attention and reward her for it. I don't understand this because she does quite well on our training sessions at home.

Any help or advice would be appreciated, Thanks.

Training Your Aussie? Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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gentle leader
by: yusaf

you could try the gentle leader they are available at any pet store, they stop the dog from pulling by applying pressure to the muzzle rather than the neck. worked wonders to help my dog figure out how to walk on a loose lead.

by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

You might try using different treats such as real chicken, beef, cheese, etc. Put the treat in your left hand as you are heeling and click after just a few steps and be really excited! Tell her "good girl". Keep increasing the heeling time before the treat, but continue to keep the treat in your hand and let her sniff as you walk. If you have any other questions or I haven't answered this one completely please email me at

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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