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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Clipping In Warm Weather

by JoAnne Van Nuys
(Hillsborough, NJ)

As a pup

As a pup

Been researching and there seems to be quite a variety of opinions on clipping Aussies in the warm weather. What do the majority of people do?

I live in NJ where is its very warm and humid during the summer months but I don't want to comprise the quality of her coat if I don't have too.


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Re: clipping
by: Anonymous

Yes, you can ruin your aussies coat permanatly! The hair can sometimes grow back coarse and have almost wirey feeling. It can also prevent a full coat from regrowing again. The hair will sometimes stay short.
Regardless of where you live the aussie coat is going to do the right job as long as it is taken care of. Proper grooming will keep air flowing through the coat in summer and provide a heat barrier. Same goes for the winter. The coat will keep an insulating barrier from the cold. HOWEVER, the coat will not work properly if not cared for. Any matts will prevent this from happening. The loose hair will bind up and make it impossible for the air to circulate. Hope this helps!

by: Anonymous

I cut my aussie hair every summer sometimes two times a summer. Never had a problem with it.

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