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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Coat Color Changing

by Cathie

Shedding color change

Shedding color change

I'm new to Aussies. I have a black tri female that is 5 months old. She is just starting to shed and her nice black coat is turning brownish in spots as she sheds. The undercoat even looks whitish. Is this normal. Is she changing color or is this part of shedding?


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Coat color
by: Debbie

I have a black tri and she is 8 mo and her coat hasn't changed it just got longer. I am curious to see what kind of responses you get.

good luck

Coat Color
by: Nonnie

She needs to have the undercoat brushed out. You can get a deshedding comb/brush or take her to a groomer. I am very lucky my 19 year old daughter is a groomer. Just finished professional dog grooming school and has her first job as a groomer!

by: Anonymous

it almost looks like it is merling out. what does the pigment of its nose look like? my red tri is 4 months old and about 2 months ago he was shedding and turned almost silver till i got a good slicker brush and started brushing and back combing once a day and gave him a couple periodic bathes. now his coat is thick lushious shiny and his coat has really been bringing out the bright rich dark alburn that we love and that is unique and beautiful.

Re: Coat changing
by: Anonymous

It does look like she is shedding alot of undercoat which can look brown (dead hair) until the new coat comes in. You can also try to add fish oil to her diet. This helps not only with faster/less shedding but helps keep the coat shiny and healthy, along with healthy skin and joints. I have also heard (in a couple of cases) the dog food can affect the hair coat/color. Many years ago, there were even cases of black dobermans turning brown or red!

coat color
by: Elizabeth

Make sure you are feeding her high quality dog food with few grains in it. They can't be found in a grocery store, but in certain kinds of pet stores. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with her coat color, but I know that a poor diet affects the quality of the coat. Her breeder might be able to help you out as well.

color changing
by: MrJohn

I have a 5 yr old black tri color that I picked up at local shelter 2 yrs ago.
Earlier this spring, I noticed that she was getting the gold orange colors found mostly on her legs began appearing on her back, mostly right side.
I've been brushing her regularly to help her shedding and it just seems that this gold/orange color is getting larger and more areas.

I did find this link

It appears to me more common in puppies.

could be phantom merle
by: jcrply

It could be that it is old hair that can be brushed out as several have mentioned, or your pup could be a "phantome merle" (more properly "cryptic merle"). My black-tri developed 4 small areas of blue merle that were not noticeable until she was about 10 months old. If it turns out that yours are spots of merle, then your pup is officially a merle and should not ever be bred to a merle. If used for breeding, the pup's identity on the registration should be changed to merle.

coat color
by: Beth

I have a friend who has a young black tri Aussie whose coat took on a burnt orange/reddish tint. She was very concerned about it, but after the coat was shed, a beautiful, black shiny coat came in. Don't worry!

Coat change
by: Anonymous

My 12 yr. old Blue Merle Aussie's black spots are turning brown. Is this normal?

coat color
by: Emily

My guess is that it could be shedding and/or diet.
Even though the high-end, grain free kibble is more expensive, your Aussie will be healthier (fewer vet bills) and have a beautiful coat. I add fish oil and coconut oil to my girl's food, both of which make her coat shiny. When you get through this shedding season and her new coat comes in, you'll be able to see what's going on. Best wishes to your fur baby!

Can you help
by: Maggie

I have a 5 month old blue merle and his black spots are looking more gray is and not as black anymore. And the auburn red on him is looking more dull. is it just shutting What's going on. Will the color come back?

Coat color changing
by: Midwest Blue Merle

Our 7 month old Blue Merle has copper that covers most of the lower hind legs, and some of it is starting to turn darker in color. Just making sure that it is normal.
Diet : Blue Buffalo puppy food.

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