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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Concerned About Dog Developing Separation Anxiety When Son Goes To College

by Jen
(Mercer, WI)

How can I help our 6 year old male Mini Aussie when my son goes to college? This is the person he is most bonded with...I am second in line.

I am worried he will get very depressed because he already sits by the window when my son leaves the house.

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People leaving aussie
by: Anonymous

I would not worry about your dog’s reaction when your son leaves for school. Our two yr old is very attached to our son and also cries and sits by the window when our son leaves for home in another city, but he soon gets over it and goes back to normal activities. They have a "love the one you’re with" attitude and as long as your pup keeps getting attention and affection from you he will be fine. And, he will be overjoyed when your son comes to visit!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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