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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Confused About Australian Shepherd Behavior

by Shelsy
(Moreno Valley, CA)

My boyfriend and I just bought Stella (October 30) from a breeder she turned 5 months yesterday (October 31). She's really shy, grew up with about 15 family member parents and the puppies, we brought her home, really shy doesn't come to us when we call her or whistle or kissy noises. She nipped at my parents dog last night put her in our bed to sleep she jumped right off, tried to give her a ball wasn't playing got a Frisbee and she just looked at it. What could possibly be wrong? How much longer will she act this way?

Aussie Behavior Problems? Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Comments for Confused About Australian Shepherd Behavior

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Aussie behavior
by: Anne

She obviously is a little older puppy when you got her.
She may not have had a lot of interaction with people. Give her some time it has only been two days. You need to use treats to get her to come to you.
You need to take her to a dog obedience class for the bonding time with you and socialization with the other dogs and people.
Would love to see a picture of her and if you need more help please e-mail me.

Anne Calmes
Gold Ring Aussies
Louisiana, USA

Aussie Behavior
by: Nonnie

She needs training. She doesn't know what to do with the items you are giving her. She has probably not ever seen them. She has probably never been told to "come" and has no idea what you are doing.

Socialize her as much as possible. Walks, rides in the car, to the pet store, to the park. At the pet store, people will come up to see her. Keep her in your arms so she feels safe. Ask them to let her sniff their hand. If that works, ask them to touch under her chin. If that works, ask them to touch her feet and her ears. Employees at the pet store will gladly do some socialization with you. They are glad to help you by touching your puppy.

Enroll in a positive approach puppy obedience training. Our local PetSmart has excellent trainers. They do one on one classes as well as group classes.

Good luck!

Aussie behavior
by: Linda

Give her a little time to get used to her new surroundings. My scooter was 4 months old when we got him, he would not play or cuddle he wouldn't even bark, after about a month he was happy and playing with the neighbor dog. He didn't play frisbee till me and my hubby played and wouldn't let him play, then he just jumped right in, now he wont go anywhere without it. The neighbor kids love him and come to our house to see if scooter can play frisbee. Once she gets used to you she will follow you everywhere, I will never own another kind of dog. Good Luck

by: Mini Aussie Owner

I own a Mini Aussie. She is 23 months old. At a certain time in the evening. She will look out the sliding glass door and start trembling and shaking. So uncontrollable. I try to calm her down. I succeed. Till I turn off the lights. Then it's back to trembling and wanting out of the bedroom. Thinking she has to go to the bathroom. I let her out in back. She will just run around the perimeter of the property. When I let her back in she once again starts trembling and wants out of the bedroom. I'll let her out and she runs into my mother's bedroom and goes to sleep for awhile. Then she gets out of Mom's bedroom and goes into the living room and falls asleep on the couch. Anyone heard of such behavior or experience this?

Aussie Behavior
by: Anonymous

Last year we purchased a Mini Aussie at the time we were informed that her mother was going to be retired. So a few months later the mother also became ours. This dog was not use to normal daily living. Her daughter has introduced her to may new things. Seeing these new discoveries is amazing. Just give your puppy plenty of love and inspiration and I am sure she will come around. The mother dog hasn't used the doggy door in 16 months. She has seen her daughter come and exit through it may times. Yesterday she used it for the first time.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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