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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Cough Gag

by Nan

My Aussie has had a cough - gag since he was a puppy. The vet said is was kennel cough. He was given antibiotics - it didn't help. He was put on antibiotics a few times - never helped. I notice that it is mostly at night - but now it seems to be in the daytime as well - especially in the winter months here in Florida.

Does anyone else have this problem or have had it. The vet gets pretty expensive - especially when they are not able to help. I have been to more than one. Please let me know if anyone has had this same problem.

Comments for Cough Gag

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not uncommon
by: Anonymous

many small breeds have this gag cough, espcially if its been since he was puppy. How old is he now? It has to do with their trachea, they say they out grow it, mine did, also I changed to a body harness as oppose to a collar, less damage to the throat area, especially if they tend to pull alot. I have two small breeds, ones a toy Aussie, the other a Chi, they both do it, the chi mostly now when he drinks water(even room temperature). I would try that, if you haven't already, and not get too worried, unless you find that its getting worse; then speak to your vet again, if he treats you uncaringly, find another.

by: Anonymous

One of my Aussies had a cough and it was a congenital heart problem. I hope that is not the case with your dog. another one of mine had a persistent cough and it was allergies. We started him on flax oil and it helped tremendously. He also had chronic sinus infections that cleared up on the flax and benedryl once a day. I would have his heart checked, though. That is a very serious problem. I am not a vet, so please have these things checked by a veterinarian!

cough in puppy/adult
by: Patti

Our mini also has a cough which has been addressed by a vet. He had x-rays that ruled out blockage as we thought he may have ingested fabric/fuzzies from toys. We now only allow hard chew toys or kongs. Nothing concerned the doctor. Collar was loosened, we tried pedestle food and water bowls, pulled all fragrance oils and gels as a precaution. Coughing still. It is occasional, daily and DOES occur after he drinks water. Next step is to try a low dose steroid/antihistamine. Other than cough vet said he was a very healthy 13 month old.

aussi cough
by: stacy

Our 7 yr old female aussie has the same cough, gag "thing". Has had it all of her life and it is sometimes 5-6 times a minuet and sometimes she doesn't do it all day. I have had her to the vet at least 6 times for this. Currently she is on some bronchial, lung worm (dewormer) medicine that she takes once a day. Since going on this, I have only heard her cough/gag once and that was the first day she started. that was 4 days ago!! I am praying that it is the answer we have been looking for! She is scheduled for a chest xray for this Thursday but if she's cured from curr. meds.... all I can say is that I would be thrilled!!! The best Christmas gift I could get. I will keep you posted but so far, so good!!! Praise God!!

by: Anonymous

Our shepherd has PCD maybe thats whats wrong with you dog. They thought she had kennel cough but it was this instead.

same cough / gag
by: Laura

We just bought a aussi puppy and she has just started to cough/gag but drinks and eats like nothing is wrong when drinks water she does gag more n at night it is worse she runs plays and acts totally normal was checked for heart worms or any other issues thought she had something in her throat but still eating and acting normal if something was in the throat she wouldn't be eating I read about flax oil how much would we give her she's 2 1/2 months old and does this go away !?!?!?! Please help me with this we got her for our kids we also have a akita pitbull who has been one of the smartest dogs ive ever owned I was petrified that this new member to the family was going to get my 2yr old baby sookie (akita) sick or give her something but feel more releaved now reading these emails my email address is I'd really appreciate some advice on this

by: Anonymous

This is in regard to an earlier post. We were told that Benadryl is dangerous to the health of an Aussie. Were you referring to an Aussie when you wrote about giving Benadryl with the Flax or were we incorrectly told about not being able to give Benadryl to an Aussie?

Collapsible Trachae?
by: Anonymous

I have a 1 1/2 year old Aussie (female) after the Bortella shot at a 1 year 1/2 she had a honking cough a few times so I took her to vet and she said she had collapsible trachea by just feeling her throat did not do x-rays she only rarely does this cough now has anyone has a regular size Aussie have a collapsible trachea diagnose on their Aussie, I thought that was only in small breeds.

help! similar issue
by: Kelsey

My dog is having the same cough gag, very sudden and random. He coughs sometimes when he plays too hard and catches the frisbee a lot. But he suddenly now has an intense cough that the vet thinks is a scratched throat but the first round of meds hasn't worked! I am very worried and unsure what my next step should be, not very confident in my vet. Anyone have any suggestions or help? He tested negative for heartworm, kennel cough and all the usual suspects. Had a high white blood cell count in the testing.

Collapsed Trachea
by: Anonymous

I have a 1 1/2 old female aussie who spontaneously started coughing and honking when excited. I thought she might have irritated her throat, as she chews a lot, and that this cough / honking would go away. Two days later, she still was coughing and honking when excited and now it was happening when she runs also. I took her to the vet, who said she has a collapsed trachea but my vet was not totally convinced as this is not a common finding in her breed especially with her being so young. No X-rays were taken, just a physical exam. I was told to give my dog Claritin once a day for 2 - 3 days, if coughing goes away, then this was just an irritant causing the cough but if the coughing / honking persists, them my dog would have to begin taking a bronchodilator. Unfortunately, my dog has not gotten better, so I will have to begin the new treatment. I am so scared. My dog loves to run. Loves her walks. Loves to jump. But with this condition the things she loves will be a distant memory. My heart is breaking!

Large breed Ausi Male 10 YO
by: Paul

Charlie was born with the small trach area in his throat. He did cough early on, often when excited or afraid. He always had a rasp or two when visitors come or we play lift the soccer ball with a hockey stick and shoot it up or out over his shoulder. The last 4-6 months however this has turned into a nightly occurrence, the raspy cough has turned to a gag and spitting up sometimes or up-chucking recent meals. It seems to affect him after my wife and I go to bed or lay down for the night. He gets his area downstairs on a couch then by midnight or shortly after he starts to gag. he does this around 4-7 times until feeding @ 5:30. Thank you all for similar stories and advice, our decision will be the vet here shortly. - Keep loving them all, ours is the best little guy ever!

by: Anonymous

I've heard from a vet that if you mix 1T of a darker honey with 1/2 teaspoon of lemon in warm water then using a syringe give into the mouth a little bit of the completely mixed solution 2 times a day and it will help your dog's gag/cough thing feel better. If your using a local honey it will also give your dog the benefit of building up an immunity to local allergens.

Gag cough
by: Anonymous

I have a 3 month old miniature australian shepherd,
He does this on occasion he is currently getting over about with
Giardia. His only been on his antibiotics 2 days I've seen a vast improvement as far as the GIARDIA is concerned.
But I did notice when he drinks water or runs around and plays or if I open his mouth to look to see what he has in it. When I am done he will start. Coughing and gagging
I have a 14 year old Chihuahua who has a collapsed trachea and doesn't cough or gag as much as this 3 month old does but it's the same thing wondering if they can have collapsed tracheas as well?

by: Pamela

My 4 year old female aussie has had it for a long time, especially after playing hard or drinking from hose. Used to chew sticks but now chews antlers instead. Vet looked at pharynx under anesthesia and found tiny black seed (from something in a field) in tonsil fold which was removed. Still gagging or coughing though. She also had chest x-ray which was normal. Next step vet said is referral to WSU vet teaching hospital.

Collapsing trachea
by: Anonymous

I rescued a 9-year-old Aussie, they said the cough was kennel cough and had her on antibiotics. It didn't go away. I took her to the vet and they said she has bronchitis and gave her medication, including a steroid, which didn't reduce her symptoms. I took her back and they did another x-ray and said it was a collapsing trachea. I've had her a year now and it has been getting worse. She gags and coughs during the night now. She has the honking whenever she gets excited.

11 yr old Mini Aussie constant cough
by: M Noble, AZ

We got our mini-aussie 8 yrs ago & had reverse sneezing but now is constant cough & sometime spits up mucusy liquid. Tried antibiotics, antihistamine, etc. & steroids & suspect it's collapsed trachea. Use nose drops & Throat Gold & it decreased but not gone. Funny thing is other mix-breed dog now also coughs! Tried treating for dust mites, but no results. Mini-Aussie still eats well, sleeps when not coughing, likes walks, attention but feel bad we can't help her more w/o expensive tests, xrays & operation for a stent in throat. Throat Gold seems to help both dogs.

by: Anonymous

My Aussie has had a cough for the last 6 months. It seems to be worse at night when it turns into honking and gagging. I give her about one tablespoon honey mixed with a cup of water. It seems to help her for a few hours. She wakes me and everyone else up.

She is going on 15, and eats well otherwise. I wish there was something that could help her.

Just lost my 12 year old Aussie
by: Anonymous

They weren’t quite sure if it was Tracheal Collapse, Chronic Bronchitis, or the heart murmur but the cough started at 9 or 10 years old. It was sporadic but grew more frequent by the age of 11 or 12. A few close called with pneumonia. 3 emg visits in 2 years before nothing else could be done. The cough/gag turned into completely breathing issue and we had to put him down. He lived with the cough for a good 3 years before calling it quits 🥺

Mini Australians
by: Anonymous

So after reading these posts (thank you so much for the information) I completely understand how you all must feel for our fur babies. Everything is exactly what we are going through with a 6 yr old and now a 1 yr old. We also have another female that does not have these symptoms, Seems like the most soothing solution is the honey and warm water. Hoping possibly be summer allergies? Vets are so damn expensive and I am grateful but can’t always rely on their diagnosis, err. Some of them will be fine correct? From dog a lover

Coughing and Gagging Continues
by: Anonymous

My eight year old mini recently was found to have a slight heart murmur and a slightly enlarged heart. It was found during his routine exam, and the vet says nothing to really worry about - but he has been gagging and coughing for a over a year. Just finished two weeks of antibiotics - the only difference is the cough now sounds higher up in his throat and 'thinner', but is just as frequent and hard to watch. The vet said the xray showed only minor narrowing of his larynx I am at a loss as to what to do. I have 3 air purifiers in my home and he only goes outside to potty, not out in grass or around other dogs - so allergies does not seem likely. I have tried changing his food, but that did not seem to make any difference. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Cough Gag/Acid Reflux
by: Jack D.

We rescued an eight year old Aussie who was diagnosed with kennel cough when we got him. He's now 13 and was diagnosed with a stage four heart murmur, which hasn't slowed him down much. He would cough in the early morning hours and spit up a white foamy and sometimes gelatinous liquid. The vet diagnosed acid reflux and he now gets a Prilosec in the evening (9-10) with some food (snack). Dry kibble can exacerbate the cough so the kibble is soaked w/beef broth. Chicken in broth, and kibble seems to create the cough. Now using a beef/lentil mix (Pure Vita) from Nutrisource. Feeding him four meals, two regular and two snacks, one in the early a.m. has helped quite a bit. And he and is buds don't complain and aren't gaining weight.

Aussie coughs
by: Anonymous

Our one year old has a cough on waking gags and wretches, has a shake and a shuffle and then is fine.
A month ago his honking cough kept us awake and we were so worried. He had antibiotics that cleared it but when they stopped cough returned.
He had chest x-ray, tests for kennel cough, doggie Covid and whooping cough all negative, and an endoscopy for foriegn bodies, nothing to see.
He is happy, energetic and just lovely so maybe a little reflux. Trying warm water and honey.
Comforting to know we are not alone with this problem.


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