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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Counter "Surfing"

by Shannon
(Houston, Texas)

My dog is ten months old, but has been jumping on the counter since about six months old. We've tried everything to get him to stop from stepping on the leash he's wearing to shaker cans. What can I do to get him to quit. He's an awesome dog but this his major flaw.

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re; counter surfing
by: Anonymous

One thing is that you do not want your dog to be 'unintentionally' rewarded for counter surfing. As difficult as it is, when prepping food, either train your dog to stay out of the kitchen completely. If you are not having any luck with that (or just starting out), make sure that your dog is not able to access anything on the counter whilst surfing.
Another suggestion would be to use a spray bottle with water. I had tried shake can's when our guy was a puppy (and when i told our breeder this was the plan, she smiled and said to give it a try-but wasn't hopeful:) I soon found out why when, i would throw the shake can (to break his concentration) yeah...he would stop what he was doing, then go over to it, sniff it, then pick it up and shake it himself!
I find that using a spray bottle with just water to be very effective-for the most part he just needs to see the bottle to re-think what he is doing!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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