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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Crate Training 5 Month Old Mini Australian Shepherd

by Christina
(Pacific, MO)

I have a 5 month old Mini Australian Shepherd named Jackson. We have had him for 1 week and 2 days. He is doing amazing in almost every aspect. He has had 2 accidents in the house, so potty training is going great! He is sitting, coming, getting along with all people and other dogs and even had a great trip to the vet!

However, he could not be doing any worse with crate training. He is crying, screaming, absolutely shredding any type of bedding that I put in the kennel and fighting to go in it. He was awful last night. I didn't give in to letting him get in bed with me so that I could have much needed sleep!

I am giving treats when it is time to go in. Leading into the kennel, as well as once he is in. I am feeding him his breakfast by placing his bowl in the kennel and leaving the door open. He has no problem going in for food!

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I hate seeing him this unhappy about the kennel, especially when he is doing so good in nearly every other area!

Comments for Crate Training 5 Month Old Mini Australian Shepherd

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Crating not easy
by: Anonymous

I had a similar experience with my boy when he was that age. I admit I gave up and let him out! He just couldn’t stand being contained. Since he never destroyed anything, I found it much more peaceful. He slept in our closet or under our bed. I realized that he had to feel that he could move around, and then he was fine. Guarding? I don’t know really. We do crate him when we leave the house for a few hours, even now at age three, and he is fine with it, he will go in for a nap on his own.

Doesn't mind crate anymore!
by: Anonymous

Our dog was exactly the same. Tried everything and even recorded him when he was in the crate and we were out. He barked the entire time!

He slowly got used to it, and now at two, goes in willingly. We have a routine - we lock the door, get out a yummy treat and in he goes.

Good luck!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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