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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Crate Training A 7 Month Old Mini Aussie

Hi there, I have a beautiful 7 month old tri colored mini Aussie. Both my husband and I work and did not believe crating a dog was humane so we used our kitchen to keep him contained (I have pocket doors). Well now we've paid heavily for that, Ossie ate part of my linoleum floor one day when he was bored and peeved. I have now purchased a crate but am worried it's too late to crate train him. Any suggestions??

Comments for Crate Training A 7 Month Old Mini Aussie

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Crates are NOT for us either!
by: Kathy

I also do not believe in crate training. How would people like to be shoved in a crate all day! Sorry.... just the way I feel. I have three dogs my last one being a Mini Australian Shepherd pure breed (Blue Merle). I also have a post on here with his picture (he is beautiful and I love him), his name is Steele. It was rough in the begining but he is doing much better now. He is 9 month old. I know that having the two other dogs helps but when I leave in the mornings for work, I put ALL his toys on the floor and make sure that he has thing to chew on (like raw hide bones). I had also purchase toys the talk to him that he loves (yes they do make them) We have carpet tiles in the living room and he was chewing on them at one time but he is much much better. I think if you stick it out, things will get better in time. He is still trying to "test the waters" not sure what he can and can not do. Hope this helps.

RE: crate training
by: Anonymous

The best way I have found to start crate training an 'older' dog is while you are home. Put the crate in the room you most occupy, the living room for example. Put in some bedding and a treat. I use a frozen Kong filled with peanut butter,yogurt,and kibble sometimes canned dog food. Let your dog explore it on his own. Most dogs are more than happy to go into their 'new den'. When he enters praise him. He may even stay in there. When you want him to go into his kennel/crate use a command. I say 'go to your bed' you may have to lead him there by his collar,when he goes in give him a treat and say 'good boy' close the door but only leave him there a couple minutes, then let him out. Repeat this several times a day til he gets comfortable. If he barks or whines when you come home dont let him out immediatly, ignore him til he is quiet, then let him out. This was succesful for my 'older' dog, now she knows when I get my keys,she runs to her kennel and waits for her treats. Hope this helps!

Dont Worry!
by: Anonymous

It's fine, as long as you take it very seriously. Get a crate that is only a foot longer and bigger than her, with lots of hieght. Another thing is that there are no "mini aussies" they always have more than half of smaller dogs in them.

Anonymous / Don't Worry
by: Anonymous

The subject of "mini-Aussies" has been debated on this site before. Most of the comments were not very nice and I appreciated Anton removing the comments.

I have two Aussies - one a MINI and one a TOY. They have all the characteristics of your Aussie, they are just smaller.

I was at the Houston Dog Show last year with my blue-eyed, blue merle female Mini-Aussie. She is absolutely stunning! People stop us to ask about her. The first statement out of the mouth of the lady who was manning the Aussie Rescue booth was "You know that's not a REAL Aussie." She was rude, and condescending. That one action cemented my decision to NEVER have anything to do with that organization. I had to turn and walk away quickly or I would have given her a piece of my mind.

BTW - this statement from your answer makes no sense "Another thing is that there are no "mini aussies" they always have more than half of smaller dogs in them."

by: Anonymous

They're just dogs people.

To ... Yikes
by: Nonnie / Dee Cutshall

For those of us who have mini and toy Aussies, that is our point. These are my fur babies, I love them completely, don't attack them. My mini blue eyed blue Merle and my toy brown eyed black tri Aussies look and act just like the full size. For me, the smaller Aussies are more manageable. It is not necessary to attack me. There are certain ones who post on here that always seem to want to jump into the conversation just for the opportunity to stress that my Aussies are not Aussies. If I had two pictures, one each of a mini Aussie and a full size Aussie, you wouldn't be able to tell which one was which.

I'm not afraid to put my name on my post. If you are interested in seeing my "girls" they are posted on this site. Search for Bailee Joy or Maggie Mae.

Mini Aussie
by: Anonymous

If there were no Mini or Toy Aussies, then why is the breed recognized?

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