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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Crating My Puppy At Night

by Olivia
(Upstate New York)

I've had Milo for 3 days. He's 8 weeks old and he goes nuts at night. Not whining but consistent barking in his crate for hours. I don't know what to do.I'M EXHAUSTED!!!

Comments for Crating My Puppy At Night

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poor baby
by: Anonymous

why are you crating him at night? why not let him sleep at your feet or on the floor in your room? Have you ever had an Aussie before? Aussie are people dogs, they are very attached and affectionate. He's still so young,he needs a lot of love and affection from you. Its worth a try, but being that he's still so young, I would paper train him, just in case he need to go at night( most likely) he can on the pads.

by: Anonymous

Up to 3 days ago he was with his litter mates so is understandably feeling lonely.

He needs to be introduced to his crate slowly and carefully - preferably during the day when you can increase the amount of time he spends there from a few minutes to a couple of hours. When he gets older he will be happy to spend longer in his crate but right now I would say all night is too long.

Puppy at night in the crate
by: Anne

Have you tried a warm towel or blanket? a clock?
something like a piece of your clothing with your scent on it?
Does the puppy have a favorite toy that you can put in there with them? A chew bone?
Try different things are you feeding the puppy enough are they hungry?
Does the puppy have water in the crate?
hope that helps

Anne Calmes
Gold Ring Aussies
Louisiana, USA

by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

Feeding your new pup in his crate is the best way I have found to get a pup used to and loving his crate. You can also put him in his crate during the day with a tasty treat with the door open. Hope you get some sleep soon. This might take a few days to get him used to the crate, but I guarantee it will work.

Sort of disagree.
by: Anonymous

Patience is the key. First of all, do not ever acknowledge your pup if they are whining/barking. Make the crate a positive experience. If you can get your puppy in their crate to sleep during the daytime with the door open, you will find that getting them in to sleep at night is a much easier affair.

Create a positive atmosphere in the crate with your energy, and by slowly working it in, hour by hour.

I find that with our 13 week old aussie pup, i need to 're-crate' train her every so often to ensure that the crate is a positive, relaxing experience.

by: Anonymous

One thing I do is sleep right next to the dog on its first night in the crate, it makes for a bad nights sleep but it usually only takes one night for them to be crate trained.

Puppy barks in crate at night
by: Anonymous

We recently brought 2 Aussie puppies home, we were only going to get one but I couldn't leave the last little guy all alone. Anyway Cash is fine he goes right in the crate and lays down. Hank barks and pants continuously.

I've tried sleeping on the floor in front of the kennel and it was working okay until 2 nights ago.

Any ideas?

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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