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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Destroying Bed

by Peggy Humbert
(Pensacola, FL, USA)

Cooper is 9 months old. I think we should have named him Demon at times. We love him but he is still learning things he should not do. We keep him in a large crate which he seems to like. We had a bed in it but he destroyed it. So I purchased another bed and he tried to attack that one. I feel bad having him just lay in the crate. Do you have any ideas on this or should we not worry about it???


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Prefers hard surface
by: Anonymous

I have a 9 year old Aussie that has been crate trained since his birth. Any sort of bed, blanket or soft material is destroyed the first night it is in his crate. If not destroyed it is pushed into a corner and he sleeps on the hard surface. Like many Aussies he has a heavy coat and I think he gets too warm on the soft surfaces and prefers the hard cool surface of the crate. He always sleeps in the crate and seems comfortable in it.

Destroying bed
by: Tammy KY

My 1 year old mini Aussie Tobin use to do the same thing. We went through 4 beds for her kennel, when I mentioned it to a trainer at Petco and they suggested not purchasing anymore beds for the kennel to just use old sheets. She said the it would be harder for her to destroy the sheet. To my surprise it really worked and she loves the sheets because she can fluff them up. Try it you will be surprised!

by: Anonymous

Why is he being confined to a crate? Not surprising that he would tear up the bed.
Crates are great for potty training in the first couple of weeks you have a puppy, but once he is housebroken, it's asking an awful lot of a puppy to remain in a crate for extended periods of time. If he's just confined to the crate during the night, that's one thing, but if he's confined in a crate during the day, perhaps you should re-think that.

by: Peggy

Thanks for the comments. First, Cooper's crate is large enough I can sit in it. He likes it. We leave the door open during the times we are here and he goes in there to nap. Secondly, I am glad he isn't the only one who destroys beds. I have a small blanket. It is the kind they give you on the airplane. I am giving him that. Now I don't feel so bad that he doesn't have a bed.

Thanks again,

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