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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Did I Get A Bad Aussie?

by Jon

My family recently got a Mini Aussie and on his ICA papers it states he is Tri Red. I started doing more research on him due to his small size and found out lots of things. He is definitely not a Tri red but what they call E yellow. So is my dog really not up to standards? I guess we cant do anything with him? My wife and I are very upset about this and really need some info and help. We love our puppy so much and feel like we were robbed by not knowing enough about the colors and what not. I guess the breeder definitely knew what they were doing. Thank you.

Note from Anton: Australian Shepherds and Miniature Australian Shepherds are considered separate breeds. More information here.

Comments for Did I Get A Bad Aussie?

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Did I get a Bad Aussie
by: Anne Calmes

Your aussie is not up to the standard according to colors but minis are in a different catergory than standards.
The breeder obviously did not know and the registry your puppy is with is just a regisrty, that's it.
Homework, the homework you are doing now you should have done before you got the puppy. I know you probably paid a good penny for this "Mini", and it is the old saying "buyer beware". Unfortunately, the breeder sounds like they were only out to make a few bucks.

Anne C.
Gold Ring Aussies

no such thing
by: Anonymous

I'm sorry that the breeder did that to you, but there's no such thing as a bad Aussie, Maybe not according the "standards" but if you're looking for a wonderful pet and family member, you definetly have one in the Aussie. they are loving loyal, smart and so much fun and laughter, If that's not what you want , perhaps you can return him for another, or demand your mony back. If I could, I would buy him from you, he is adorable, but unfortunately, I have three dogs, and couldnt possibly take in another.
enjoy your little guy regard less, and you'll see, he was meant to be with you, for some reason, only time will tell.

Sorry but
by: Anonymous

He's adorable though!!!!!!!!!!!!!

he is not going anywhere
by: Anonymous

Oh he will not be going anywhere the kids love him as do I. Im just upset I found out more after I bought him.

New Puppy
by: Vivian

He is beautiful! I like your comment "he is not going anywhere". I don't blame you. We have a mini aussie and just love him soooo much. They are very loving and loyal dogs. Enjoy him!!

Red Merle
by: Anonymous

You might be able to go back and get him reclassified.

He almost looks like a red merle.

by: Anonymous

You might be able to get into agility.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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