
Affiliate Links and Commission Disclosure

Many of the products and services we advertise and recommend on this site provide us with an affiliate commission for referrals and we use affiliate links in banner ads and text links throughout this site. We take this responsibility very seriously and endeavor to only promote quality products and services from reputable merchants and providers. If you are dissatisfied (or very pleased) with the quality of the products or the service provided, please contact us and let us know about your experience.

Australian-Shepherd-Lovers.com is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

As a Chewy affiliate I earn commissions for qualifying purchases.

What Is An Affiliate Link?

Basically, an affiliate link is just a special link that lets another website know that you came to their website from ours. This is accomplished with the use of cookies which are small text strings (handled by your browser) that provide the merchant information like the product page or webpage on their site you want to go to and the affiliate ID (that's me). The affiliate ID tells them that I sent you. If you decide to make a purchase then I get a commission for the sale. NOTE: Clicking on an affiliate link does not change the price. The price remains the same for you if you use our link or visit the merchant's website directly.

The income earned in this way through affiliate links is part of what allows me to keep the content of this website free for site visitors. It also helps cover the many expenses I incur and makes it possible for me to continue to develop, maintain, and grow this site. It's a WIN/WIN/WIN. You get to find out about great products, the merchants are referred customers for those great products, and I get to keep doing what I love—building this site and serving the Aussie community!

I have spent over a decade (since 2006) building this site and it's reputation. Recommendations or reviews on this site are not skewed in any way by affiliate links. This site's reputation (and my personal reputation) is on the line with every product I recommend and that is why I only recommend products that I would be happy to recommend to family and friends.

For more information about the use of cookies and affiliate links on this site please see our Privacy Policy, and Terms of Use.

Thanks for visiting. We hope you enjoy Australian-Shepherd-Lovers.com!

Anton Hout
Anton Hout | Editor, Australian-Shepherd-Lovers.com

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