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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care


by Leslie
(Half Moon Bay, CA)

We live on a sailboat with our Aussie. He's courageous and jaunty, just a great dog! He fell off the dock several times and quickly learned his lesson. He loves to swim at the beach but is sure footed and careful around the boats and docks now. He's nearly 10 months old now and we love him!

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I think we met him
by: Gary & Cody

My girl friend & I were in Half Moon Bay last week end at the harbor looking to get a bite to eat, and we walked out in the harbor to look at the boats, and we came across a young man in a wetsuit walking a beautiful young tri-black Aussie! We asked how old he was and I believe he said around 10 months, could this be the some Aussie? It must have been, unless there is another tri-black Aussie living on a boat in the harbor? If that was him he is beautiful & super friendly !This really made my day because one year ago that day I lost my beloved Aussie Cody. I knew that this was going to be a bad day so we went out rather then stay home, so we drove down the cost from Pacifica. My girl friend is from Pescadero, thats where we were going and then decided not to, so stopped at the harbor so glad we did just what I needed, like it was meant to happen! If it was Django he is beautiful take really good care of him, lots of Aussie love! Thank you, Gary & Cody & Maggie.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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