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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Do Red Merles Have A Different Temperament?

A fellow breeder claims that red merles are more snippy or aggressive / sassy than other colors. Has anyone noticed different attitude tendencies between different color patterns and are any color patterns more suitable for children? Thanks for any input.

Comments for Do Red Merles Have A Different Temperament?

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Red Merel
by: Tom

I have a Red Merel Female who is a Sweet Heart of a Mini Aussie, I could not have asked for a better personality in a dog, she is just the best, I also have a male mini aussie, they well get into a fight off and on if she is pushed past a certain level, then they go to different areas and sulk for a few hours away from each other.....

She is a GREAT RED MERELE and as I said a Sweet Heart of a dog.

red merles are beutiful
by: ken and karen

Just to let you know we had a red murle for 9 years she was the best dog ever and she was our first puppy. She was so smart and beutiful. If I were you I would stay away from that breeder. If I had a chance I would get another one.. If you like please look under the rainbow bridge section here and look for our shelby shells story....

Red merle dilute
by: Kathy

I have a red merle dilute rescue Aussie. She is the sweetest girl ever - no angel, in fact quite mischievous, but still the most delightful character. She is my first PB Aussie and is very loving and smart. I wouldn't change her for anything!

Red Merle
by: Patti

We have three mini-aussies....a blue merle female, a back and white tri male and a red merle male and they are all sweet and loving. They each have a distinct personality with the red merle actually being the most snuggley of them all. He will actually make eye contact and gaze up at us with such love in his eyes that it just melts our hearts.

red merle
by: Anonymous

My red merle is such an couch potato. He loves to just chill and lick you. My tri on the other hand is crazy and loves to play. I don't think color makes a difference.

In our case YES
by: Anonymous

We have had five Aussies and our two Reds were definitely different than the other three. They were/are more active, more crazy if you will, and more aggressive. But they were also the most agile of the five. Our first red died of cancer at age four and our new one is just eight years old.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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