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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Does Elevation Affects Dogs' Ears Like It Does Ours?

by Lisa
(North Carolina)

My husband and I recently took a trip to Wytheville, VA from the SE coastal area of NC. As we were climbing "Fancy Gap" on I77, our Miniature Aussie went crazy. She was scrambling trying to get out of the truck, whining, shivering and just totally bonkers. It was all I could do to hold her so she didn't jump into my husband's lap (who was driving). We were towing a heavy trailer so the truck was revving to get up the incline. The fan revs and lulls during this time cooling the engine. I wondered if it were the change in elevation or the truck OR a combo of the two.

I tried to get her to drink water hoping if it was the pressure in her ears, once she swallowed, it would subside. She did the same on the trip back down and poor girl never could quite get her nerves soothed. We stopped at the NC Welcome center for a potty break. She was nervous, but took care of business and was more than ready to get back in the truck, however I noticed that when we were in flatter terrain, she continued to have bouts of shivering. Needless to say, she layed in my lap the rest of the way home. Anyone ever deal with this? If so, what can I do to help her? We would like to be able to take her with us when we go trail riding or visiting the mountains.

I must admit that she is what I call "hyper-sensitive". Things seem to bother her that do not bother our Australian Cattle Dog. Likewise, she is more sensitive to our feelings than the Blue Heeler.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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