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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Does Fish Oil Help With Their Shedding?

by Yeny
(Miami, FL)

I have heard that fish oil helps with Aussies shedding, has anyone out there tried it? Does it work?

Comments for Does Fish Oil Help With Their Shedding?

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Re: Fish Oil
by: Anonymous

Yes! Fish oil helps greatly with shedding! I feed fish oil everyday. Not only does it help with shedding, but it's also good for the coat in general (softer, healthier, shinier) also great for the skin (prevents dry skin, itching) and good for the joints. Definatly worth feeding in my opinion!!

Yes it helps
by: Brandi Sawicki

I feed my to dogs fish oil every day, it definately helps there coats become softer and it helps the shedding some. My Aussies seem like they shed all year no matter what we do.

by: Anonymous

a 'FURminator' cuts down on the under coat and therefore cuts down on shedding. I've never tried fish oil but I might now.

Fish Oil
by: Anonymous

I'm in Canada. Does anybody out there know of a good fish oil to use? So far I have been using Grizzly Salmon Oil. Its contents include Wild Alskan Salmon Oil. I use it for my dogs and the cat.

by: Anonymous

I was just googling "fish oil for shedding" so that's how I came across this post... I don't have a Shepard, I have a silver lab (terrible for shedding). Last time I took him to the vet, I was talking to her about his shedding problem and she told me to give him fish oil capsules. They do seem to cut down some of the shedding.

giving my dog fish oil for shedding
by: jeff

I have an English Bulldog that sheds all winter long and I noticed he was scratching himself more than usual so I started giving him fish oil to help with the shedding and minor dry itchy skin. I tried it and his shedding has improved and he's not scratching himself as much. His coat is very soft.

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