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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Does Your Aussie Have Panic Or Anxiety Attacks?

by Mel
(Michigan USA)

Does anyone have an Aussie who panics when he/she is near or sees and/or hears a skateboard or bike coming its way?

Comments for Does Your Aussie Have Panic Or Anxiety Attacks?

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by: Wilda

you should try a rescue remedy they sell at the health store, or the calm pills they also sell at the pet store. My boy used to be scarred of certian sounds; anything wih tinny sounds. You can also try bringing in a skateboard to the house and and let him look at it, smell it, move it, etc., at his own pace.

Happened to me
by: Anonymous

My pup went through this up until he was about 16 months. I would be jogging with him and the neighbor would start dragging his trash can from the sidewalk and my dog Sam would run frantically away. He is obedience trained and I thought very well socialized and no command could get him to come back. I soon noticed anyone making loud noises on our walks would also spook him. I started to panic about this behaviour myself which didnt make it better. I decided instead of sheltering him from this I would start exposing him to more sounds and social activities while praising him and giving him treats. I would also have him walk out with me to retreive the trash cans playing with him along the way. After a short time he completely began to ignore these noises and just looked to me with excitement, probably looking for another treat. Anyway, keep praising and dont back off taking him everywhere. Good luck.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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