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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Dog Gets Into Stuff He Shouldn't - Grabs Things From Table, Etc.

Our shepherd is 1 & 1/2 years old. He is very sweet, but causing a lot of stress in our home. We cannot leave him alone because he is always getting into things he should not. Pillows from couch, paper from table, goes into our open briefcase grabbing papers, trash cans, etc. We have tried everything. Shaking can w/ coins, telling him no and diverting to his chew bones, etc. We love him dearly, but we have to constantly watch his every move. In advance, thanks for your help!

Comments for Dog Gets Into Stuff He Shouldn't - Grabs Things From Table, Etc.

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Dog Gets Into Stuff He Shouldn't
by: Marilyn

One main reason for bad behaviour is boredom and/or lack of attention. Don't know about ALL Aussie's, but ours has energy to burn and is also in the 'all about me' mode. He is like a little shadow at my heels & always seems to need reassurance that I know he's there and am happy with that. They seem to be a pushy breed who like to be the centre of attraction and don't easily amuse themselves, also real pack dogs,that attitude dictates the need for real dedication in socialization and training. I also find with good excercise, the motivation to keep busy all the times lessens. He is very young & most eager to go by the sounds of things. A good hour of frisbie & ball throwing every day should help if he's not getting that now. Also, when you catch him in bad behavior, simply tell him 'NO' and replace it with a good nylabone or favourite toy that amuses him. He no doubt likes the attention he's getting even if it's because he's mis-behaving. Good luck! My guy is turning 4 and we still have issues to work on.

Reply to Aussie always getting into trouble
by: Linda

We had a professional trainer out to our house for several sessions and we learned quite a bit about our Aussie. It appears your dog has similar habits as ours has from time to time. What we learned is to always catch your dog in the act when you can and get them in a submissive state as soon as possible. She/He is displaying dominant characteristics and it is important to let him know YOU are boss and the behaviour is not acceptable. Growl back loudly and tell them to sit. When he does, praise him. He will understand a's his language. Everything else sounds like Bla Bla Bla to them. Secondly Aussie's need to be mentally challanged. I have found that if we are not walking or paying enough attention, that is when the mischief begins. You have to play and do things to mentally challange them. Work on tricks 5 - 10 minutes a few times a day. We play hide and seek a lot and my Aussie loves finding me. And when she does I make a big deal of it and go running until I can hide again without her seeing me. It doesn't take long and she is laying down out of breath and happy. Aussie's are smart and need purpose and they love nothing more than doing things and making us happy. They truly are NOT your run of the mill dog but they are so affectionate, loving and loyal. The time you spend to please your dog will pay dividends. I'm still trying to be better about it myself but I know when I've went too long without good quality play time with my "Lucky". She lets me know!!! Good luck.

Gets into stuff
by: Anonymous

I have 2 Aussies. The 1st (female) was into everything as well and I walked her extensively twice a day, played energy sapping games at lunch time etc etc. After she reached 1+ years we did agility and flyball with her which she loved - nothing made any difference when she was left on her own she destroyed things. I had a 'behaviorist' in and all he managed to do was make her aggressive and snappy. Fortunately, we got her back into her sweet ways within a few weeks. She is still a very hyper dog but had outgrown all this by about 3+ years.
I crate trained my second Aussie to avoid any of these issues and so I didn't have to experience all this stress whilst he matured. He has never been a problem but that could just be different personalities too.
You always need to be in charge but do be careful of 'professional' trainers who are essentially bullies.

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