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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Double Merle Australian Shepherd?

by Britt

My boyfriend and I are getting a 3 month old Aussie pup but I’m wondering if she looks like a double merle. I’m curious due to the health problems that double merles may face.

Thank you!

Comments for Double Merle Australian Shepherd?

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Double Merle breeding
by: Anonymous

If you could get to see the parents, that would answer your question. If one is Merle and the other is a tri, the pup will not be double Merle. It's colouring can just be off standard, ie, no colour around the eyes etc, but that will not affect its health or character, as long as it's parents are as above. Very cute!

Double Merle
by: Trips Mom

Not sure!
We have a red merle and a tri red
However most of the information I have come across, suggests the more white on the face and head leans towards eye problems
When we bought "Trip" There is a pic on this site we even had her eyes checked by a Vet who had the equipment necessary to do a proper eye exam.
Hope this helps as I know how concerned we were before we had her checked.

Side note: We had one little rescue dog that went almost completely blind from diabetes. We loved that little guy and gave him the best home possible to the end of his life. That said it was heartbreaking and something I didn't want to do with our very next dog.

double merles...
by: Anonymous

although double merles are a genetic mutation I have owned 2...and hands down out of all the dogs I have owned they are the most intelligent and loving! don't second guess and go for it! these dogs are incredible, (not to mention beautiful) what they lack they make up for in there other senses. and I have owned many many dogs, the double merles are hands down the best dogs on earth! just try it!! believe me just give it a try

Double Merle?
by: Tasha

I have just came across this thread.. I have a 6 month old Texas heeler (Australian cattle dog (red)- Mama and Australian Shepard (tri)- dad. My little guy looks almost exactly like your puppy and I’m wondering the same.. mostly white with merle spotting around the butt/ear/eye. Bright blue eyes (ice blue).

I can’t find any dog on the internet that looks like him.

We are getting genetic testingdone soon, I’m just curious if you have gotten testing done on your puppy? I’m sorry if this thread is old, I’m just desperate to find info.

Blue Merle Oder Dobble Merle
by: Anonymous

Ich habe eine 8 Wochen alte kleine blue merle Hündin gekauft.

Sie war eine im 10 wurf mama ist blue merle papa red dri.

Alle Geschwister sehen auch normal aus unsere kleine eher nicht sie hat mehr weiß
Jedoch haben wir uns für Sie entschieden da sie einzigartig ist.

Sie hat weder Probleme mit Ohren noch mit Augen. Diese wurden untersucht.

Jetzt frag ich mich kann sie auch dobble merle sein oder eher eine Leine der Natur wo die Standart Farbe abweicht.

Ps: sie ist am Mund unten an der Seite braun sowie an dem einem Ohr mit 2 schwarzen Punkten.

Also nicht rein weiß am kopf sieht man leider auf den fotos sehr schlecht.

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